Page 4 of 5 form HUD-50075-HP (12/2014)
Instructions for Preparation of Form HUD-50075-HP
Annual Plan for High Performing PHAs
A. PHA Information. All PHAs must complete this section.
A.1 Include the full PHA Name, PHA Code, PHA Type, PHA Fiscal Year Beginning (MM/YYYY), PHA Inventory, Number of Public Housing Units and
or Housing Choice Vouchers (HCVs), PHA Plan Submission Type, and the Availability of Information, specific location(s) of all information relevant
to the public hearing and proposed PHA Plan. (24 CFR §903.23(4)(e))
PHA Consortia: Check box if submitting a Joint PHA Plan and complete the table. (24 CFR §943.128(a))
B. Annual Plan.
B.1 Revision of PHA Plan Elements. PHAs must:
Identify specifically which plan elements listed below that have been revised by the PHA. To specify which elements have been revised, mark the “yes” box.
If an element has not been revised, mark “no."
Statement of Housing Needs and Strategy for Addressing Housing Needs. Provide a statement addressing the housing needs of low-income, very
low-income and extremely low-income families and a brief description of the PHA’s strategy for addressing the housing needs of families who reside in the
jurisdiction served by the PHA. The statement must identify the housing needs of (i) families with incomes below 30 percent of area median income
(extremely low-income), (ii) elderly families and families with disabilities, and (iii) households of various races and ethnic groups residing in the jurisdiction
or on the waiting list based on information provided by the applicable Consolidated Plan, information provided by HUD, and other generally available data.
The identification of housing needs must address issues of affordability, supply, quality, accessibility, size of units, and location. For years in which the
PHA’s 5-Year PHA Plan is also due, this information must be included only to the extent it pertains to the housing needs of families that are on the PHA’s
public housing and Section 8 tenant-based assistance waiting lists. 24 CFR §903.7(a)(1) and 24 CFR §903.12(b). Provide a description of the PHA’s
strategy for addressing the housing needs of families in the jurisdiction and on the waiting list in the upcoming year. For years in which the PHA’s 5-Year
PHA Plan is also due, this information must be included only to the extent it pertains to the housing needs of families that are on the PHA’s public housing
and Section 8 tenant-based assistance waiting lists. 24 CFR §903.7(a)(2)(ii) and 24 CFR §903.12(b).
Deconcentration and Other Policies that Govern Eligibility, Selection and Admissions. Describe the PHA’s admissions policy for deconcentration
of poverty and income mixing of lower-income families in public housing. The Deconcentration Policy must describe the PHA’s policy for bringing higher
income tenants into lower income developments and lower income tenants into higher income developments. The deconcentration requirements apply to
general occupancy and family public housing developments. Refer to 24 CFR §903.2(b)(2) for developments not subject to deconcentration of poverty and
income mixing requirements. 24 CFR §903.7(b) Describe the PHA’s procedures for maintaining waiting lists for admission to public housing and address
any site-based waiting lists. 24 CFR §903.7(b) A statement of the PHA’s policies that govern resident or tenant eligibility, selection and admission including
admission preferences for both public housing and HCV. (24 CFR §903.7(b) Describe the unit assignment policies for public housing. 24 CFR §903.7(b)
Financial Resources. A statement of financial resources, including a listing by general categories, of the PHA’s anticipated resources, such as PHA
operating, capital and other anticipated Federal resources available to the PHA, as well as tenant rents and other income available to support public housing
or tenant-based assistance. The statement also should include the non-Federal sources of funds supporting each Federal program, and state the planned use
for the resources. (24 CFR §903.7(c)
Rent Determination. A statement of the policies of the PHA governing rents charged for public housing and HCV dwelling units, including applicable
public housing flat rents, minimum rents, voucher family rent contributions, and payment standard policies. (24 CFR §903.7(d)
Homeownership Programs. A description of any homeownership programs (including project number and unit count) administered by the agency or
for which the PHA has applied or will apply for approval. For years in which the PHA’s 5-Year PHA Plan is also due, this information must be included
only to the extent that the PHA participates in homeownership programs under section 8(y) of the 1937 Act. (24 CFR §903.7(k) and 24 CFR §903.12(b).
Safety and Crime Prevention (VAWA). A description of: 1) Any activities, services, or programs provided or offered by an agency, either directly or
in partnership with other service providers, to child or adult victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking; 2) Any activities,
services, or programs provided or offered by a PHA that helps child and adult victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking, to
obtain or maintain housing; and 3) Any activities, services, or programs provided or offered by a public housing agency to prevent domestic violence, dating
violence, sexual assault, and stalking, or to enhance victim safety in assisted families. (24 CFR §903.7(m)(5))
Pet Policy. Describe the PHA’s policies and requirements pertaining to the ownership of pets in public housing. (24 CFR §903.7(n))
Substantial Deviation. PHA must provide its criteria for determining a “substantial deviation” to its 5-Year Plan. (24 CFR §903.7(r)(2)(i)
Significant Amendment/Modification. PHA must provide its criteria for determining a “Significant Amendment or Modification” to its 5-Year and
Annual Plan. Should the PHA fail to define ‘significant amendment/modification’, HUD will consider the following to be ‘significant amendments or
modifications’: a) changes to rent or admissions policies or organization of the waiting list; b) additions of non-emergency public housing CFP work items
(items not included in the current CFP Annual Statement or CFP 5-Year Action Plan); or c) any change with regard to demolition or disposition, designation,
homeownership programs or conversion activities. See guidance on HUD’s website at: Notice PIH 1999-51. (24 CFR §903.7(r)(2)(ii)
If any boxes are marked “yes”, describe the revision(s) to those element(s) in the space provided.
PHAs must submit a Deconcentration Policy for Field Office review. For additional guidance on what a PHA must do to deconcentrate poverty in its
development and comply with fair housing requirements, see 24 CFR 903.2. (24 CFR §903.23(b))