State of Montana Case Registry and Vital Statistic Reporting Form
Department of Public Health and Human Services
Order Information: Check the box that most accurately describes the type of order being entered. If it is
dissolution of marriage, enter the place of marriage and indicate if child support is ordered. Temporary
support orders and paternity orders that contain child support are categorized as “child support order,
without dissolution.” “Child support order” includes medical support orders. If the order does not contain a
child support order, social security numbers of the parties are not required and only Parts 1, 2 and 9 needs to
be completed.
Parts 1 and 2: Provide information about the parties to the order. If there is a child support order, be sure to
check the box that shows whether the party owes support (payor) or will receive support (payee). If a party is
ordered to both pay and receive support, check the box labeled “both.” If there is no support order, check the
box labeled “N/A” for not applicable. If a party is ordered to pay $0 support, that party should be considered a
Part 3: Provide information about the children named in the order and indicate which parent or other party
the children live with. If the parenting plan provides for shared residential parenting, circle “B” for both. If a
child is not living with either parent, circle “O” and list the child’s name and address.
Part 4: Complete this part if support is ordered to be paid to an agency or an individual other than a parent.
Part 5: Indicate whether any of the parties are protected from each other by a protective or restraining order.
If yes, list the names of the protected parties. This includes any protected children.
Part 6: Provide information about the employment or other source of income of the party who is ordered to
pay child support. If both parties are ordered to pay support, skip Part 6 and complete Part 10 instead.
Part 7: Provide information about the support order. Check the type(s) of support ordered and enter the amount
and how often it is due. (Example: $100 per week.) All orders should have a “begin” date; many will not have an
“end” date. If both parties are ordered to pay support, skip Part 7 and complete Part 11 instead.
If the order enters a judgment for past due support, show the total amount of the judgment. If the judgment
includes amounts for penalties, fees or interest, list those amounts on the appropriate lines.
List any special conditions of the support order. (Example: support is due until the child graduates from
college.) Copy the information requested about the guidelines to this form from the guidelines worksheet.
Part 8: Provide information about health insurance coverage for the children. If insurance is not provided,
indicate whether it is available through the employer of either parent. Relationship of the party providing
insurance is the party’s relationship to the children. (Example: mother, father, mother’s spouse, father’s
List the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage. (Example: 80/20 plan, $500 deductible, major medical
Part 9: Provide information about the person completing this form.
Part 10: Employment information for multiple payors. Complete only if both parties are ordered to pay
support. See Part 6 instructions.
Part 11: Order information for multiple payors. Complete only if both parties are ordered to pay support. See
Part 7 instructions
July 23,2019