(Rev 07/2021)
I understand that this application is for Federal funds and that any falsification or concealment of a material fact may be prosecuted under Federal or State Laws. I understand
the application must include information for all individuals living in the household including all gross income and resources. False, misleading, or incomplete information may
result in the denial or termination of assistance, and/or potential repayment of assistance funds provided. If you are receiving another form of federal assistance and it is
determined that there was a duplication in subsidy, you will be required to return the funds that were overpaid to Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.
I understand that Heat Assistance benefits are computed for October 1 through April 30. I am responsible for any other costs not covered by any benefits I may have received. I
certify that the information provided herein is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize the Department to communicate and share information to
all third-party payees listed in the application and persons or organizations assisting in the application process, including but not limited to, late fees, security deposit, utility or
utility deposit information. I have read; or have had read to me; all the above and all questions have been answered to my satisfaction.
I authorize any individual, company, agency, or other entity which has information about me or my household, including, but not limited to, the information sources listed below
to release or disclose information to the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) and/or to any agent or contractor of the DPHHS which is authorized
to determine eligibility for Heat or Water Assistance or Weatherization benefits. I authorize the disclosure or release of any information relevant to my eligibility for Heat or
Water Assistance or Weatherization benefits, including, but not limited to, the information to be released or disclosed listed below. I understand any information obtained will
be kept confidential and will be used only for the purposes directly connected with the administration of benefits or services and only during the pertinent time period. I further
understand that any information obtained may be released or disclosed to a proper government agency, court of law, or law enforcement agency for purposes of legal
investigative actions concerning fraud. I further understand that information contained on this application can be used in DPHHS electronic databases for the determination of
eligibility for programs and/or to record services provided to my household for federal and/or state reporting purposes.
INFORMATION SOURCE: Banks, Savings & Loans, Credit Unions, Employers, Social Security Administration, Veterans Administration, State Department of Labor and Industry,
Internal Revenue Service, State Department of Revenue, State Compensation Insurance Fund, Unemployment Compensation Division, County Clerk & Recorder, Bureau of Indian
Affairs, Utility Suppliers and Vendors, Other Social Services Providers, Landlord, Child Support Enforcement Division, Offices of Public Assistance, Montana Emergency Rental
Assistance, Low-Income Home Water Assistance Program, Energy Share, other assistance programs and other sources for which a household may be eligible and to reduce
potential for duplication of effort.
INFORMATION TO BE RELEASED OR DISCLOSED: Checking, Savings, Certificates of Deposit, Stocks & Bonds, Safety Deposit Boxes (to be opened only in the presence of the
client or his agent and representatives of the financial institution), Gross Earnings, Social Security Payments, V.A. Benefits, Personal and Business Income, Workers
Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, Family Composition, Size of Home, Per Capita Payments, Lease Payments, Indian Income Maintenance (IIM) Accounts, Amount of
Heat Assistance received from agencies, Utility Account Information: including, but not limited to, Utility Account and Billing Information, Child Support Payments, Benefit
X_________________________________________________________ Date:__________________ SSN: ____________________
Signature of head of household. If signing on a person’s behalf provide a copy of the Power of Attorney or authorization.
X_________________________________________________________ Date:__________________ SSN: ________________________
X_________________________________________________________ Date:__________________ SSN: ________________________
X_________________________________________________________ Date:__________________ SSN: ________________________
Signatures of all other household members age 16 or older.
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