Form SSA-1458 (01-2019) Page 2 of 3
4. (a) Is this religious group a division or offshoot of another religious group with similar tenets and
If "Yes," answer (b), (c), and (d) below. If "No," go on to item 5.
Yes No
Answer 4 only if this religious group was established after December 31, 1950.
(b) Enter the full name of the group of which this group is a division or offshoot.
DATE ESTABLISHED (if unknown, so indicate)
(c) Enter the date the religious group in (b) above was
(d) Are the tenets, teachings and practices of the religious group in (b) above identical to those described
in items 1 and 2 above?
If "No," explain the differences.
5. Have the tenets, teachings and practices of this religious group (and, if applicable, the group of which it is
a division or offshoot) been the same as shown in items 1, 2, and 4 above at all times since December
31, 1950, or if later, the date the religious group was established?
If "No," explain any changes and indicate when changes took place.
6. I understand that it is the obligation of the group spokesman to notify the Social Security Administration in
the event there is any change in the tenets, teachings and practices of this religious group as indicated