Type of Sponsorship Request:
Name of Organization:
Program or Event Title:
Date of Event:
Time of Event:
Location of Program or Event:
Expected Attendance:
Community Focus Area:
Key Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Brief Description of Program or Event:
Brief Description of Participants (How many? Local? Ages? etc.):
How is the event being promoted? (check all that apply):
Print Radio TV Social Media Press Release
Website Mailings Other:
Sponsorship Amount Requested:
Sponsorship Includes (check all that apply):
Signage Booth Space Exposure to Members/Customers/Followers Social Media
Speaking Opportunity Inclusion in Promotion Other:
Brief Description of Benets to Credit Union West:
Is there another nancial institution sponsoring this event? Yes No
Submit this form by emailing it to marketing@cuwest.org. Feel free to attach any relevant
documents to the email for consideration.
Complete the llable elds below to request sponsorship from Credit Union West. Fillable elds may not
be visible on mobile devices, please submit via a desktop or laptop computer.