School Year: _____________
School DBN and Name: _____________
Date of 504 Team Meeting: ______________________
(from Medical Accommodations Request Form)
Classroom/Homeroom Teacher:
Parent/Guardian Preferred Spoken Language:
Paraprofessional (if applicable):
Section 504 Accommodation Plan*
*For students with diabetes who require accommodations, utilize the Section 504 Plan Diabetes Template.
This Plan will be reviewed as needed and before the end of each school year and, if necessary, amended at the
time of the review. Parent/guardian will inform the 504 Coordinator of any changes to the student’s disability at
any point during the school year that may require review of this Plan.
504 Coordinator will complete this Plan with 504 Team (including parent/guardian) input and based
upon relevant documentation (e.g., reports, evaluations or diagnoses provided by the student’s parent/
guardian, student’s grades, disciplinary referrals, health information, language surveys, parent/guardian
information, standardized test scores, and teacher comments).
Student & Family Information
Emergency Contact Instructions: In the event of emergency, the student’s Plan and MAF (if relevant) will
remain in effect.