501 North 44
St, Suite 200 Phoenix AZ 85008 (602) 506-3301
SUP Minor Amendment
Internet: www.maricopa.gov/planning
- Dimensions of each structure
- Dimensions between structures
- Distances from property lines
- Lot coverage
- Building height and square footage
_____ 14. Parking areas:
- Dimensions and angles
- Surfacing and /or paving material
- Vehicle storage areas
- Loading spaces or zones identified
- Required & Proposed parking spaces (including handicapped-
_____ 15. Adjacent property owners, uses, zoning and parcel numbers
_____ 16. Name of school district where project is located
_____ 17. Utility commitment table (a table illustrating water, wastewater disposal,
Fire protection, police protection, electric, natural gas, telephone, and
refuse providers)
_____ 18. Location of all utilities (existing and proposed)
_____ 19. Signs:
- Location, size, height and type
- Elevations of each sign
- Source of illumination
- Area and number allowed/area and number requested
_____ 20. Location of all recorded/proposed easements
_____ 21. Type of screening (i.e. walls and plantings)
_____ 22. Existing and proposed contours
_____ 23. Location of landscaping and retention areas
_____ 24. Typical landscaping section
_____ 25. Location, height and type of outdoor lighting. Note compliance with
Section 1112 of the Zoning Ordinance in regard to outdoor lighting
_____ 26. Show the location of all proposed and existing fire hydrants, water
supply/storage, and wells, and septic systems
Explanation of the project, 2 copies – 8 1/2” x 11” paper. Underlined
wording indicates a section heading.
_____ A. Title page
– include project name, general location, case/tracking #, and
vicinity map
_____ B.
Purpose of Request
_____ C. Description of Proposal, including proposed uses(s), business operations,
hours/days of operation, # of employees, description/location of buildings, color
palette, type of construction material, sign detail/descriptions, screening
wall/fence details and location, etc.
_____ D. Relationship to Surrounding Properties
(their use, zoning, etc.)
- Explanation of how the proposed development will benefit the community or
- Discussion of recent changes in the area of your request that support the
application request (i.e. adoption of city or town plans, subdivision approvals,
surrounding development, etc.)
_____ E.
Location and Accessibility
_____ F. Circulation System (on & off-site) – include proposed improvements or dedications
_____ G. Development Schedule (phasing)
_____ H. Community Facilities and Services (school district, parks, amenities within area,