501 North 44
St, Suite 200 Phoenix AZ 85008 (602) 506-3301
Preliminary Plat Process Internet: www.maricopa.gov/planning 10/30/19
A subdivision is defined by ARS §32-2101. Any subdivision
within the unincorporated area of Maricopa County must
be approved by the Board of Supervisors prior to being
recorded. Approval of subdivisions occurs in two (2)
stages: Preliminary Plat and Final Plat.
An application for a Preliminary Plat must be filed with the
Planning and Development Department (details are
attached). A pre application meeting is required.
The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) is composed of
representatives of the County’s Planning, Transportation,
Drainage Review, Storm Water Quality, Parks and
Recreation, Library, Flood Control, and Environmental
Services Departments. Other comments may be supplied
by representatives from other County departments, fire
district, school district, City or Town, homeowner’s
association, or other interested parties.
After a complete application is submitted and accepted
by the Planning Department, staff will forward copies of
the application to members of the TAC. Staff will then
schedule the request for review by the TAC (see
attached schedule), and notify the owner or authorized
agent of the actual date and time of the TAC meeting.
Staff will provide the owner or authorized agent with
written comments from any reviewing agency unable to
attend the meeting.
Depending on the comments received at the TAC, the
application materials may need revisions. The owner or
authorized agent must submit revised materials, reflecting
the TAC comments, to the Planning and Development
Department, which will forward the revised materials to the
appropriate agencies. Once they are satisfied that the
technical requirements have been met (more than one re-
submittal may be necessary), the request will be scheduled
for public hearing by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Please note that compliance with comments from TAC
and/or staff does not guarantee that the application will be
supported by staff or approved by the Commission.
The Commission will hold a public meeting for all interested
persons wishing to comment on the proposed Preliminary
Plat. The owner or authorized agent must attend this
meeting, and will be asked to comment on the
application, the staff report, and/or any comments that are
made during the public meeting. The Commission will either
approve or deny the request. Their action may or may not
concur with staff’s recommendation and may include
additional requirements. If a Preliminary Plat is denied, it will
be automatically forwarded to a Board of Supervisor’s
meeting for final determination.
Preliminary Plat approval is valid for a period of twenty
four (24) months from the date of Commission action. A
Preliminary Plat may be administratively extended for
twelve (12) months, if in the opinion of the Director,
satisfactory progress has been made towards completion
of the Final Plat. If any changes other than a time
extension to the original approval of the Preliminary Plat
by the Commission are proposed, an application for a
new Preliminary Plat will be required.
The conditions of approval of this Preliminary Plat may be
appealed to the Hearing Officer pursuant to ARS § 11-
832. Provide request for appeal to the Hearing Officer
Liaison at this address within 30 calendar days of the
administrative/ministerial approval date to schedule an
administrative hearing.