Special Events Permit Application
Special Event: Any occasion or activity occurring on public or private property, having more
than 75 persons in attendance, private, or open to the public, conducted out-
doors, with or without an admission fee or donation and held on a one-time
or occasional basis, including, but not limited to, carnivals, circuses, fairs,
bazaars and outdoor shows, horse shows or exhibitions, concerts, parties of
any type, road rallies and parades. A special events permit will be required
regardless of the number of expected persons where the proposed event is to
walk, run, or bike on any public street or road, or will require a road closure.
1. Written Permit Required. Where the activity does not constitute a special event as defined above, the
Village Administrator may, upon written request, confirm in writing that the event does not require a
special event permit.
2. Early Notice. A letter of intent to apply is encouraged to be submitted at the earliest possible date.
(Include the proposed date(s) of the event, time, address location where the event is to be held and an
estimated number of persons attending the proposed event.
3. Mandatory Notice. Applications must be completed in full, submitted with all required information and
material Thirty (30) days prior to the event requested. Applications must be complete at the time of
4. All applications must be submitted with the associated fee as stated in Section 5 of this application and
must be accompanied by a Comprehensive Liability Insurance Policy naming the “Village of Sag
Harbor” as an additional insured in accordance with Section 9 of this application.
5. All applications for permits shall be reviewed by the Village Board, Chief of Police and all necessary
departments or advisory boards. The Village Board may conduct a public hearing or hearings with
respect to any application of a special event permit, the Board shall fix a time and place for such
hearing(s) and provide notice at least Ten (10) days prior to such hearing.
6. Applicants remain subject to all other applicable permits as may be required, including but not limited to
approvals for signs, banners, tents and fireworks.
7. The Village Board may require the applicant to provide a letter of credit, bond or other suitable security
instrument to secure compliance with conditions in Chapter 85 of the Sag Harbor Village Code to ensure
that the Village is reimbursed for its costs to ensure adequate cleanup after the event. If the applicant
fails to honor the permit conditions or to adequately cleanup the property within 24 hours following the
event, the Village may use such portions of the security as is required to remedy the situation.
8. Where concerns exist regarding health, safety and welfare, the Village may require that any temporary
structures or equipment erected in connection therewith, to comply with all applicable minimum zoning
setbacks pursuant to Chapter 300 of the Village Code.
9. The Village may condition the benefit conferred by a special event permit upon such other additional
requirements it deems necessary to ensure compliance with Chapter 85 of the Sag Harbor Village Code
and for the general protection of the health, safety and welfare of persons and property in the Village.
10. If permission to hold a special event is granted, the permit shall set forth the maximum number of
persons permitted to attend the event.
11. The special event permit issued hereunder shall be kept on the property during the special event and
shall be presented for inspection by any enforcement officer or other duly authorized official or
employee of the Village of Sag Harbor upon request.
12. Permit shall be submitted with $25.00 non-refundable Submission Fee.
If a section is not applicable, indicate N/A. NO BLANKS It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the
application is complete, accurate and is submitted with all the required information and material as stated
herein. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Village of Sag Harbor Special Event Permit Application
If a section is not applicable, indicate N/A. NO BLANKS It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the
application is complete, accurate and is submitted with all the required information and material as stated
herein. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Applications MUST be submitted at least 30 DAYS prior to event.
Section 1: Applicant Information
Name of Applicant: _________________________________________________________________________
Name of Organization (if applicable): ___________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Phone # _____________________Cell # ______________________Email\Fax # ________________________
Section 2: Property Information
Date(s) of Event: _________________________________ Hours of Event: ____________________________
Date(s) for Site Set-Up: ____________________________Date(s) for Site Clean-Up:____________________
Please note set-up and clean-up dates (dates are not to exceed a 24 hour period prior to event) should be included in the Insurance
Requirements indicated in Section 9 of this application.
a) Name of event: __________________________________________________________________________________
b) Nature and Purpose of Event (describe in detail):________________________________________________
c) Is this event a Fundraiser: __________YES _________NO
If yes, state exactly the cause or charity to benefit from this event:________________________________
d) Will there be an Admission Fee or Ticket Price for this event: ______YES _____ NO
If yes, state exactly the cost of admission or ticket price, including general admission and special admissions (i.e. tables, groups,
children, seniors, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________
Non-charitable organizations shall have 90 days after the date of the event to submit verification, in the form of a cancelled check, to
the Village Administrator which demonstrates that the proceeds have been paid to the charitable organization listed in the
e) Will the event include sales of any kind: __________YES _________ NO
(Including but not limited to food, drink, crafts, merchandise or goods and services)
Section 3: Event Information
a) Property Address of Event: _________________________________________________________________
Name of Property Owner: ____________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address of Owner:___________________________________________________________________
Phone # of Property Owner: __________________________________________________________________
Cell # of Property Owner: __________________________________________________________________
Contact Person Name and Phone #: ____________________________________________________________
b) Type of Property: ______Residential Zoned _______Commercially Zoned _______Split Zoned
c) Are there any restrictions on the Use of this Property: ______ YES ______ NO
( i.e. covenants, Planning Board determinations, site plan restrictions) If Yes, please list current restrictions on
this property______________________________________________________________________________
d) List any proposed or existing structures that are to be used during this event, please include the dimensions of
the structure: ______________________________________________________________________________
e) Is the aforementioned property in this section LEASED: ______ YES ______ NO
If yes is checked a copy of the lease agreement is required to accompany this application along with a duly acknowledged Consent
from the property owner to use the above property for the proposed event.)
f) Will there be any entertainment for this event: _______ YES _______ NO
If yes, please indicate the type of entertainment ( i.e. Live Band, D.J., Stereo, Performers other)_____
All Village Noise Regulations shall be complied with. See Chapter 167 for detailed information.
g) Will Lighting be needed for this event: _______ YES _______ NO
If yes, please indicate all lighting to be used other than the preexisting lighting and the measures to be taken to prevent any
source of exterior lighting from becoming visible across property line.
h) Will there be animals involved in this event: _______ YES _______ NO
If yes, please complete the following:
Number of Animals: _________________________________________________________
Types of Animals: __________________________________________________________
Number and Type of Vehicles Used to Transport and/or house the animals:
Storage and provisions for disposal of all animal waste: _________________________________
i) Will there be temporary signage for this event: _______ YES _______ NO
If yes, please complete the following:
Number of Sign(s): __________________________________________________________
Type of Sign(s): ____________________________________________________________
Size of Sign(s): _____________________________________________________________
Location(s) of Sign(s): _______________________________________________________
No sign or banner shall be placed or posted on a Village highway unless applicant has obtained prior approval of such
placement from the Superintendent of Highways. All signs, banners, and posters shall be erected no more than 10 days prior and must
be removed within 24 hours after the proposed special event.
Section 4: Additional Permits Required
a) Will any Roadways or Parking be obstructed by this event: ______YES ______ NO
If yes, an additional application to Encumber Public Property must be submitted in full with any additional fees or
Requirements included.
b) Will a Tent be erected for this event: _______ YES _______ NO
If yes, an additional application for a Tent Permit is required and must be submitted in full with any additional fees or
requirements included. A Tent Permit is required for all tents over 200 sq. feet or 50 persons. No tent is to be erected more
than 48 hours prior to the permitted event and must be removed within 48 hours following the permitted event unless otherwise
approved in writing by the Village.
c) Will there be a Fireworks Display at this event: _______ YES ______ NO
If yes, an additional application for a Fireworks Display Permit is required to be submitted in full with any additional Fees or
requirements included.
Section 5: Submission and License Fees
Submission Fee (Non-Refundable) $25__________
Estimated Attendance _________________________________
0-50 People _____
51-100 People_____
101-150 People_____
151-over People_____
Section 6: Use of Village Facilities and Assistance
a) Will the Use of any Village Property be needed for this event: ________ YES _______ NO
If yes, please list Village Properties that you are requesting for use. (Additional applications may be required):
Windmill Park _____
Marine Park _____
Long Wharf _____
Havens Beach _____
Private Property____________________________________
b) Will the Village Police Department be needed for traffic control: _______ YES _______ NO
If yes, please state how many Police Officers you would like to request and how many hours they would be needed for:
c) Will the Village Custodial services be needed for this event: ________ YES ________ NO
If yes, please state for what purpose and how many hours they would be needed for: ______________________
d) Will the Public Works Department be needed for this event: _______ YES _______ NO
If yes, please state for what purpose and how many hours they would be needed for: ______________________
e) Will any other Village agency be needed for assistance with the event: ____ YES ____ NO
If yes, please state what agency is needed and for what purpose and how many hours they would be needed for:
Village Personnel may require the applicant to reimburse or secure the reimbursement to the Village for the costs of increased
police protection, public safety oversight and public works facilitation, including any additional equipment as may be deemed
necessary by Village Personnel to adequately and safely control and protect the persons attending the event, the event area and traffic
in and around the event area. Please note any event that requires the assistance of emergency services (i.e. Fire and/or Ambulance) is
the sole responsibility of the applicant to make all the arraignments necessary for assistance.
Section 7: Parking
a) Total number of parking spaces provided on-site: ______________________________
b) Total number of parking spaces provided off-site: ______________________________
c) Maximum number of vehicles expected to be parked at any given time: ________________
(including guests, participants, hired staff, etc. )
d) Will there be a parking attendant service: _______ YES _______ NO
A Parking Plan Must be Attached Showing the Ingress and Egress of All Pedestrian and Vehicular
Traffic and Access Locations
It is understood that the parking of vehicles shall not block any driveways or fire hydrants and that vehicles shall park in the same
directions of the flow of traffic. All Village parking regulations shall be compiled with.
Section 8: Provider Service Information
Alcoholic Beverage Supplier: ________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Security Services: * Please see section 9(e) for additional requirements. _________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Valet Services: *Please see section 9(e) for additional requirements. _________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Lavatory Facilities: _________N/A
Are lavatory facilities handicap accessible? _______YES _______ NO
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Tent Company: ________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)__________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Lighting Company: _________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Mechanical Rides: *Please see section 9(e) for additional requirements. _________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
**If mechanical rides will be used proof of a current up-to-date safety inspection must be provided with this application.
Licensed Electrician: _________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Garbage/Trash/Rubbish Removal: _________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Sanitary Waste/Sewage Removal: _________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Fire Protection: __________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Medical Facilities: __________N/A
___________________ _________________ _______________ _____ ______
Contact Name Street Address City State Zip
___________________ _________________ __(______)___________________
Name of Firm Mailing Address Telephone
Section 9: Insurance Requirements
a) Prior to the issuance of a Special Events Permit, the applicant shall furnish the Village with a
Comprehensive Liability Insurance Policy, issued by a company duly licensed in the State of New York,
insuring the applicant against liability for damage to persons or property.
b) The Certificate of Comprehensive Insurance must have limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence
(bodily injury/property damage) and $2,000,000 aggregate.
c) The policy must name the Village of Sag Harbor as an additional insured.
d) The policy must cover the date(s) of the event including date(s) prior to proceeding the event used for set up
or clean-up and shall not be cancelable without at least 30 days’ prior written notice to the Village.
e) Proof of Workmen’s Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance is required to accompany this
application upon submittal for any and all companies, vendors or staffing services that are supplying workers on
the day of the event. Certificates must have limits of not less than $100,000 each accident, $500,000 for injury
by disease and $100,000 each employee for injury by disease to comply with the law of the State of New York.
f) Failure to supply the necessary insurance coverage will result in disapproval of this application. The Board of
Trustees may require lower or higher limits of protection in the sole discretion of the Board of Trustees. In
addition the Board of Trustees may require additional insurance certificates (i.e. host liquor license).
Section 10: Prohibited and Restricted Events
Prohibited Events
(1) No permit shall be issued authorizing a special event nor shall any such event be held within the Village:
(a) Where such event is largely for private profit;
(b) Where the principal purpose is to advertise any product, goods, wares or merchandise, except for
farmers’ markets engaged in the sale of local produce, baked goods and other local food products;
(c) Where the event consists primarily of the outdoor sale of goods or services, such as crafts fair,
open-air bazaar, flea market or similar event, unless the premises on which the special event takes place
is owned by a municipality or by a duly qualified charitable organization or not-for-profit corporation organized
and existing under the laws of New York State or another state;
(d) Where the property is the subject of any outstanding violations or any outstanding unsatisfied
conditions set forth in any Village or other governmental approvals, including any conditions related to the
Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals or Harbor Committee;
(e) Where any structure on the property does not have a valid certificate of occupancy and/or a
Certificate of compliance, if applicable;
(f) Where the proposed event includes carnival rides on a lot in a residential zoning district;
(g) Where exterior lighting at the event uses search lights, strobe lights, laser lights, or revolving lights;
(2) An exemption from these prohibited events may be requested from the Village Board if the
applicant is applying for an event for which permits have been issued and that has been recurring without
interruption since 1998.
Restricted Events
The issuance of permits in the following zoning districts shall be restricted as follows, unless the parcel is split-
zoned, in which case the requirements as stated under Chapter 85 shall apply.
(1) Residential zoning districts. Only one special event permit will be issued per calendar year for an individual
property that is within a residential zoning district. For purposes of this subsection, hosting or
granting of permission to host for a fee (whether termed rental or otherwise) more than one special event per
calendar year at any single-family residence located within the Village of Sag Harbor shall be deemed to be a
nonresidential activity or use.
(2) All other zoning districts.
(a) Special events shall be limited to three per calendar year, only one of which may be held at night.
(b) Only one carnival, festival or similar special event which includes carnival rides shall be permitted
per calendar year, and any such special event be no longer than five consecutive days.
(c) Those properties owned by a charitable organization may have a total of up to six events per calendar
(3) Exemptions. The Village Board may grant an exemption from the number of events or type of special events
that can be held per calendar year on an individual lot based on one or more of the following criteria:
(a) The event shall have all required parking contained on site.
(b) The property has a minimum of one acre.
(c) The event is scheduled for only one day or one night.
(d) The event will not be held between June 15 and September 15.
(e) There are at least 14 days between events.
(f) There is not another event scheduled for the same date within a half-mile radius.
1.) In determining whether or not to issue a special event permit the Village Board shall consider the
information provided in the permit application together with all other available information, including but not
limited to the factors illustrated in Chapter 85 and information provided at the public hearing.
2.) The issuance of a permit pursuant to Chapter 85 of Sag Harbor Village Code shall be deemed an approval of
the application and shall require the applicant to undertake all actions proposed in the application for the control
of traffic, parking noise, lighting, refuse and the like.
3.) The special event shall be subject to any other terms and conditions imposed in the permit, in any resolution
of the Village Board approving the permit in any permit obtained from other applicable Village departments
designated by the Village Board.
4.) The applicant further consents to an inspection of the premises by a police officer or other enforcement
officer, upon request, for the purpose of ensuring that the terms and conditions of the permit are met and agrees
to abide by any and all ordinances of the Village of Sag Harbor, including, but not limited to Chapter 167
“Noise” and Chapter 265 “Vehicle and Traffic” of the Village of Sag Harbor Code. Copies of all ordinances
mentioned herein are available upon request.
5.) The granting of a special permit by the Village Board is a privilege and not a right and may be denied or
revoked during the event itself in the event applicant fails to comply with any applicable provision of Chapter
85 of Sag Harbor Village Code or for any other reason not prohibited by law.
6.) The Village Board may immediately rescind or modify such permit or terminate such event if it so
determines that any of the representations and/or statements contained in this application or any of the
conditions or requirements of the permit or of Chapter 85 of Sag Harbor Village Code have not been met. If any
conditions are not met at the special event, the Chief of Police may terminate the event or may suspend the
event until such conditions are met and may authorize this personnel to take all necessary steps to effectuate his
7.) Any person who shall cause, permit or allow property to be used for a special event without having a written
special event permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 85 of the Sag Harbor Village Code shall be
guilty of a violation of this chapter. A violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of Village Board
conditions, approvals or restrictions issued hereunder shall be a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by
imprisonment not to exceed one year and/or fine of not more than $2,000; for a second offense within one year,
or any third or more offenses at any time, by imprisonment not to exceed one year and/or a fine of not less than
$2,500 nor more than $10,000.
8.) A special event permit is not transferable and shall expire at the designated time for the close of the event for
which is it issued.
______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
Name (print) of Applicant