Toolkit for
Table of contents
Tips & Tricks
Competitive Research
Competitors Report
Overview and Positions Report
Keyword Gap
Backlinks Competitors Report and Backlink Gap
Keyword Research
Keyword Overview
Keyword Magic Tool
Link Building
Link Building Tool
Rank Tracking
Position Tracking
On Page & Tech SEO
On Page SEO Checker
SEO Content Template
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SEMrush is an established and exceedingly efcient toolkit for digital marketing used
by more than 4,500,000 specialists from around the world. Our suite comprises over 40
tools to aid web developers, content marketers and creators, SMM and PPC specialists,
PR and Brand managers.
As for SEO, we pride ourselves on having won the Best SEO Software Suite of 2019 in
the European Search Awards, and in the United States Search Awards. SEMrush offers
SEO specialists an assortment of reliable auxiliary and essential tools, and this e-book
will guide you through all of them.
This PDF is laid out in a logical path that follows the basic SEO process. We will teach
you how to use our tools to streamline your workflow, efciently analyze big data and
draw competent conclusions. Bear in mind that all of the suggested steps are inter-
twined, and will often require simultaneous and continuous work.
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Tips & Tricks
Before we get down to the nitty-gritty of the SEMrush toolkit, let’s touch on some key
aspects to hone the skills of seasoned SEOs, help our newcomers to adapt, and maxi-
mize efciency overall.
Smart SEO requires you to think locally and
understand your audience. Choosing the
right location to analyze and target can play
a huge role in the success of your business.
SEMrush provides 140+ databases for key-
word analysis, and you can use our tools to
the mobile-friendliness trend is not going an-
ywhere, our mobile database now includes
17 countries, so you can ensure your website
does well on mobile platforms.
As well as looking outwards and adjusting
your SEO for different locations and devices,
you should also look closely at your website.
It is not a single solid entity, sites are made
up of several parts. Of course, successful
SEO requires you to work on the whole web-
site, but not all of its parts are equally impor-
you might want to point our tools at a certain
part of your site or at an exact page.
mate reporting, keep track of your SEO devel-
danger and growth.
On our website we keep an updated
Knowledge Base with the freshest manuals
any questions, you can always contact our
free courses in the SEMrush Academy.
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Aside from the basic functional-
ity for sorting and ltering, many
ters with many more options for
including or excluding keywords
and setting ranges for various
Most of our tools have options to
export the data. Click the Export
button in the top right corner of
the report you are interested in to
get a prompt for selecting the type
and the scope of the export. Note
that if you do not need a full report,
you can select the lines for export-
ing, plus all the lters you have
used will be applied to the data.
PDF exporting has a separate
button; use its dialog box to set
up emailing and schedule deliv-
ering of the PDF. Guru subscrip-
tionallowsyoutobrandthe PDF
reports, and Business plan adds
an option to create white-label
PDFs. Download the report as it
is with the Export to PDF button,
or hit Create Custom PDF Report
to use the Report Builder tool to
fluent manner.
To help you automate your work-
flow, SEMrush integrated Trello
Checker tools. You can easily add
found issues and ideas for your
website on the Trello boards to as-
sign and manage tasks.
Connect your Google Analytics
and Google Search Console to
maximize the effectiveness of
SEMrush tools and see a bigger
picture with the analytical data
from your account.
require a preset project. All tools
on the same domain, this way you
are able to keep track of your pro-
gress. Share projects with your
colleagues for dynamic and trans-
parent cooperation.
section in the dashboard and click
Add New Project in the top right
corner. If you have never launched
a project before, the prompt will
say Create my rst project. The
wizard will ask you to specify a do-
that you will be able to set up each
tool individually.
Create Projects!
Pay attention to our tip icons, you will meet them throughout the text identifying the
tools that are related to the matter.
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Competitive Research
Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your rivals is crucial for marketing suc-
cess. Your business does not exist in a vacuum, and is always threatened by competi-
tors. You have to constantly look over your shoulder and carefully research the compe-
tition landscape. And it will work to your advantage: you can learn from your opponents’
mistakes, study their best practices and spot opportunities.
All of this is obviously applicable to the development of the SEO strategy also. But ght-
ing for clients in the digital space has its own set of rules and methods. Even if you
are lucky enough to not be directly challenged in your niche, someone from another
industry can easily outrank you in search engine results. To stay ahead you need to
continuously track and check your rivals. Here are the SEMrush assets that can help
you research your competition quickly and easily:
Overview and
Report and
Backlink Gap
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Competitors Report
A good place to start studying your rivals is with the Competitors Report in Organic
Research. By simply entering a domain you will get a list of websites competing for
the same keywords. Besides discovering your competitors you will also get some nifty
details. First you need to pay attention to the Competition Level. The report is automat-
ically sorted by this metric, and it shows your closest competitors.
Competition Level is calculated based on the total number of keywords your compet-
itors are ranked for and the percentage of keywords they share with you. So, if a web-
site is ranked for a large number of keywords but only a small number of them are in
common with yours, it will not come up as a relevant result. For example, Wikipedia and
YouTube will almost certainly rank for some of the keywords that you are targeting, but
quite often they are not your competitors.
Spot the domains that have the largest
amount of search engine trafc and the
most keywords in common with you.
These rivals should be rst in line for anal-
ysis. Keep in mind that you can look for
competitors on mobile platforms as well
as on desktops.
Discover organic competitors!
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Start off your competitor analysis with the
Overview Report, here you will be present-
ed with the bird's-eye view of your com-
petitors’ performance.
Enter the rival domain you want to investi-
gate in the search eld, select the country
and the device you want to target.
At the top of the report you will see statis-
tical information:
Keywords The overall number of keywords
from our database that the domain is ranked
for in the top 100 positions.
Trafc The estimated monthly trafc these
keywords can bring.
Trafc Cost The estimated cost of running
Google Ads campaign for every keyword.
Branded Trafc Search trafc that
comes from branded keywords.
Non-Branded Trafc Search trafc that
comes from non-branded keywords.
The graph shows changes over a period of
time in keywords or trafc; you can switch
between these metrics and select the time
range. There are also notes at the bottom
of the graph. Google icons pinpoint the
dates when we notice changes in Goog-
les algorithm. These modications can
influence websites’ rankings, and you can
see the details by clicking on a note. You
can add custom notes to the graph as well
as seeing when SEMrush Sensor detects
high volatility on SERPs, or when SEM-
rush updates databases; all these marks
will have red diamond icons.
You can select the notes that will be shown
by clicking on Notes above the graph and
ticking the boxes in the menu.
Overview and
Positions Report
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The SERP Features widget shows the percentage of each special search result that is
triggered by the keywords the targeted domain is ranked for. Clicking on any of these
SERP features will lter the Positions Table for keywords with that feature on the SERP.
Linking to domain for features that have
a link to the domain. Filtering for those
results will show you all keywords that
the targeted domain has a feature for.
Not linking to domain for features that do
not have a link or for which SEMrush does
not analyze the links. Filtering will show
all keywords with a certain feature on
the SERP.
Filtering for SERP features, among the variety of other ltering options, is a great asset
for exploring your competitors’ presence on SERPs, and their keyword strategies.
Notice that all SERP features
are divided into two sections:
For further competitor analysis you can switch to the Positions Report in
Organic Research.
Positions Table is the heart of this report. It lists the keywords that the targeted domain
is ranked for, and as well as ltering allows you to sort them for various metrics. Use
the arrows next to the column name to sort the table in ascending or descending order.
Use the ‘Manage Columns’ button to hide or display your columns.
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Pos. Shows the position of the
URL ranking in the SERP for a giv-
en keyword in the selected time
period (the number shows the
Volume is the average number of
searches in the chosen database
per month (calculated over the
KD (Keyword Difculty) estimates
how hard it would be to rank well
in organic results for a given key-
CPC (Cost-per-click) is the aver-
age price of a click for a Google
URL is the URL displayed in search
results for a given keyword
Trafc % – The share of total traf-
keyword over the specic time
Costs – The total cost of all traf-
c driven to an analyzed domain
with a given keyword over a spe-
Com. Competitive Density of ad-
vertisers using the given keyword
for their ads.
Results shows the number of
URLs displayed in the search re-
sults for the given keyword.
Trend presents the changes in in-
terest for the given keyword over
12 months.
SERP Gives a snapshot of the
SERP source where SEMrush
found the result.
Last Update The time when the
given keyword was last updated
in our database.
Here is the keyword data you
can gather from the report:
See competitors’ best keywords!
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Now it is time to compare your website’s performance with that of your competitors in
Gap Analysis, and to see if your keyword strategy is somehow decient. Keyword Gap
tool allows you to compare up to ve domains and nd out the keywords that these
domains have in common, or the unique sets of keywords for each domain. You can
also set the intersection type to Unique to the rst domains keywords, and get the
keywords that only the rst domain is ranked for.
Keyword Gap
Keywords that are unique for your competitors are probably the ones that you have
missed and need to incorporate in your content. To overcome the content gap with
ease you can employ SEMrushs SEO Content Template (learn about this tool in the
On-page optimization section of this PDF).
Keywords that are common amongst you and your competitors can be used to nd
where you are outperformed and need improvement. For example, you can apply lters
to include keywords that your competitor ranks for on the rst page (less than 10), and
you are on the second page or deeper (include your domain with the positions set to
greater than 10).
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This way you will get the scope of keywords you need to shift your focus to. Tweaking
your content for these keywords can help you get to the rst SERP, which will undoubt-
edly pump up the visibility of your domain.
Keep in mind that as well as comparing the Organic Keywords in the Keyword Gap you
can also select Paid keywords and PLA keywords for each domain. And if you want to
get a graphic representation (Venn diagram) of the report you can click Enable Charts.
See domains’ common
and unique keywords!
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Backlinks Competitors
Report and Backlink Gap
Backlinks are a very important ranking factor, especially when they are coming from
trusted resources in your industry. The Backlink Gap tool will help you to easily uncover
the link building opportunities that you are missing based on your competitors' backlinks.
The Backlink Gap tool will automatically provide you with four of your top competitors
to analyze. Use the Backlinks Report, if you need to identify more of your backlinks
rivals. The lineup might differ from your keyword competitors, since your organic oppo-
nents most probably have varied backlink proles. Enter your domain in the Backlinks
Report and switch to the Competitors tab.
Your competitors in the report are automatically sorted by the Competition Level. This
metric shows competition closeness, and is calculated in the same manner as Compe-
tition level in Organic Research, except instead of number of keywords it uses the num-
ber of common referring domains in relation to the total number of referring domains.
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You can sort the table by the number of Common Referring Domains, the number of
Total Referring Domains, or the number of Backlinks. You can also sort by the Au-
thority Score—a compound metric that shows overall strength and popularity of the
To expose domains that are linking to your competitor but abstain from linking to you,
click on the number of Common Referring Domains. This will take you to the Backlink
Gap where you can type in up to ve domains including yours. Select your domain in the
menu right above the table to lter for websites that have no links to you. Voilà – you’ve
got yourself a list full of targets for your backlink strategy. This list is automatically
sorted by the Authority Score. Also, you can choose sorting by the number of matches
amongst the analyzed domains.
Research competitors’ backlinks!
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It is a good idea to monitor and analyze your competitors’ trafc sources to discover if
you need to expand or adjust your marketing strategy. You certainly can’t access your
competitors’ analytical data to get the exact numbers, but you can use SEMrush Trafc
Analytics and get an accurate estimation based on the clickstream data from third-par-
ty providers, which is sufcient to evaluate your competitors. Simply type in the domain
you want to analyze and start absorbing the insights.
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Start with the Trafc Overview tab to get a quick snapshot of competitors perfor-
mance in terms of driving trafc. Determine where the greatest share of their visitors is
coming from, whether it is direct, referral, search engine or social media trafc. Find out
exactly which referring websites, social networks, and search engines bring the most
trafc to your competitor. Look at bounce rates and average session durations to learn
which of your competitors have the most engaging websites, then carefully study the
strongest contestants. You need to understand why they attract visitors and how they
compel them to stay. The longer the client lingers on the website, the higher the chance
of a conversion.
Go to the designated tabs to get more detailed information on audience overlap, traf-
c sources, top pages of the researched domain, geographical distribution of trafc
shares, and trafc distribution across subdomains of a targeted website. You need to
be a paid user of the SEMrush Trafc Analytics add-on to get full reports, otherwise
you will get sample information for three domains:,, and search-
Analyze competitors’ trafc in detail
The Audience Overlap report will shed light on how many users visit the websites of two
(or more) competitors. You can also compare readerships of several media to decide
on the most interesting placement. This information will help you target your audience
more precisely, and discover partnership opportunities.
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Analyze competitors’ trafc in detail
The Trafc Sources report provides a comparison function for several competitors
at once. This way, you can estimate marketing budget shares for each of the
digital channels.
The Destination Sites tab can also give you some food for thought — it shows the list of
websites that users visited right after the analyzed domain.
The recently added Top Pages report will be of use if you are curious about your com-
petitorstop content or conversion funnels as the list of the most visited URLs may
include checkout, trial, and thank you pages.
Last but not least, you can lter historical and regional data in the tool—provided you’ve
got a paid SEMrush Trafc Analytics subscription, of course.
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Keyword Research
There’s no two ways about it: keyword research is the main pillar of quality SEO. To get
rewarding trafc you need to nd precise keywords and put them to work. But there is
more to keyword research than just leading clientele from search engines to your web-
site; it can be helpful on a whole other level of marketing endeavors.
Keyword exploration is helping you to stay in touch with your audience, since the search
query is the voice of the customer’s demand. A keyword map can serve as a way to
pinpoint new and protable market niches, and can even be used to shape an outline for
your marketing strategy. But still a lot of marketers approach keyword research ineptly
or even completely disregard it.
Search engines are constantly tweaking algorithms to better decipher users’ intent and
provide the most relevant results for a query. And in the ever-changing world of SEO
SEMrush offers an assortment of tools to help you build an exceptional keyword strate-
gy with minimal effort and top results:
Magic Tool
Organic Trafc
Research the demand and nd the exact
terms to target the right customers with
long tails, short heads, or key questions!
This is just an introductory excerpt
You can download the full version here: