To reduce the effects of traffic on the environment.
Preliminary assessment of the traffic implications of the proposed development has been
underway since 2005. Opportunities for the site to be integrated into the existing public
transport network will be investigated together with the opportunity for enhancing modal
shift away from the sole use of the private car.
The development brief will also consider the opportunity of a park and ride facility, travel
planning and enhancements to existing bus services. The aim will be to reduce the use of
the private car and the effects of traffic on the environment.
To reduce contributions to climate change.
Part of the development brief will include undertaking a low carbon and renewable energy
feasibility study to identify and consider the most effective means of providing a
decentralised energy supply. Decentralised energy can provide an improved efficiency from
standard supplies thereby considerably reducing carbon emissions. This could include, for
example a district heating system that utilises Combined Heat and Power (CHP). The aim
will be to exceed the emerging RSS minimum target of 10% of the energy consumed in a
development coming from on-site renewable, decentralised renewable or low carbon energy
sources (Policy ENG1) and achieve carbon emissions reductions in line with the
Government’s national timetable and the supplement to PPS1.
In addition to a site wide energy strategy, individual unit carbon emissions can be reduced
through the use of renewable energy systems. This could include, but not be limited to the
use of micro-renewable systems such as:
• Solar thermal water heating systems (where units are not connected to CHP);
• Photovoltaic systems on suitably orientated units; and
• Air source heat pumps.
As part of the masterplan development, based upon the findings of the low carbon and
renewable energy feasibility stage, consideration will be given in terms of the location, mix
of uses and density of development to promote and support the operation of a
decentralised energy supply.
At detailed design, the layout of units will have regard to landform, orientation and
massing to promote solar gain and natural lighting. Buildings will be constructed to high
standards of energy efficiency including high levels of thermal performance and glazing.
16947/A5/080509 FINAL Site Allocations DPD 8