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The operating plan must accurately identify the use and activities, the use area, and the use seasons of the operations proposed on
public land. Make sure the information is complete and that all proposed services, facilities, and dates of use are described. Failure
to respond to any of the items, or inaccurate disclosures may result in delays in processing or rejection of the application. This
outline is provided for convenience only; other formats are acceptable. Additional pages may be attached as necessary.
I. Company Information
A. Company Name: ___________________________________________________________________
B. Address: _________________________________________________________________________
C. Type of Company: __ Sole proprietorship __ Partnership
__ Corporation __ Government Agency
(Attach copies of Articles of Incorporation, Corporate Certificate from the Utah Secretary of State, and
any other business license issued by the State of Utah or its political subdivisions.
D. Date Company Established:____________
E. Number of Years with Current Owner(s):______________
F. Name of Owner(s)/Partners: _________________________________________________________
G. Telephone Number:_________________ Emergency Telephone Number: ____________________
Fax Number: ______________ E-Mail Address: _________________________________________
Web Site: ________________________________________________________________________
H. Name of individual(s) authorized to conduct business with BLM conce
rning this permit:
II. Purpose and Need for the Permit
A. Describe and demonstrate the need for the service or activity to be offered:
B. Describe how the activity enhances the opportunity for visitors to enjoy public lands and their
recreational experience: