PRELIMINARY APPLICATION The Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority shall not discriminate against anyone because of race, color, sex, religion, familial status, disability, gender identification, national origin,
marital status, or sexual orientation in providing housing assistance. Information provided to SNRHA will be kept confidential and used solely to determine housing eligibility and unit type. Please be advised that
results of criminal screening (which may include FBI checks) may be grounds for denial of housing. The Southern Nevada Regional Housing Authority 5390 E. FLAMINGO ROAD, LAS VEGAS, NV 89122 (702) 477-3100
TTY# (702) 387-1898
Does your household meet the definition of homeless? (Family lacks a fixed regular and adequate night time residence, or has a primary night time residence that is a supervised publicly or privately
operated shelter to provide temporary living accommodations, such as welfare voucher hotels, congregate shelters or transitional housing designed for homeless persons, or a public or private place
not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.) ____Yes ____No.
Is anyone in your household a US Citizen? _____ Yes _____ No. If no, does at least one household member have eligible INS status? _____ Yes _____ No
INCOME: Please indicate the TOTAL MONTHLY OR ANNUAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME for ALL members of this applicant household, from all sources.
Total Monthly/Annual Household Income from all sources for all Household members. $_______________ ___Month ___Annual
Is the Head/Spouse/Co-Head a Veteran? YES ____ NO ____; The Spouse of a Deceased Veteran whose death was service connected? YES ____ NO ____ ;
A Disabled Veteran with a Service Connected Disability? YES ____ NO ____
Is the Head/Spouse/Co-Head a full time student enrolled in an accredited program? YES ____ NO ____, Employed at least 20 hours per week? YES ____ NO ____
Receiving SSI/SSD or any disability pension? YES ____ NO ____, 62 year of age or older? YES _____ NO _____
Does Head/Spouse/Co-Head: Currently live, work, or has been hired to work, in Clark County? YES ____ NO ____
If a balance is owed to any Housing Authority or Subsidized Housing Program, the balance MUST BE PAID IN FULL in order to be eligible for our program(s).
Are you or anyone in your household a registered sex offender? ____ Yes ____ No. If yes, name of household member: _________________________________________________________
Reasonable Accommodations: I understand that if I am disabled, I have the right to request a reasonable accommodation to make services and programs accessible, and request must be
submitted in writing to SNRHA for review and approval.
Criminal and Administrative Actions for False Information: I understand that knowingly supplying false, incomplete or inaccurate information is punishable under Federal or State criminal law. I
understand that knowingly supplying false, incomplete, or inaccurate information may be considered fraud and is grounds for denial of assistance, termination of housing assistance and/or
eviction from public housing. Financial assistance in the form of housing subsidy is contingent upon submission and verification, as appropriate, of the evidence of citizenship or eligible
immigration status. I swear that I have honestly reported the citizenship of myself and anyone whom I am applying for.
I certify under penalty of perjury, my answers are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and ability.
Signatures and Date of Head of Household and Spouse/Co-Head:
1) ____________________________________________________ Date ___/___/____ INDICATE IF YOU UNDERSTOOD THIS APPLICATION: YES_____ NO_____
2) ____________________________________________________ Date ___/___/____ INDICATE IF YOU UNDERSTOOD THIS APPLICATION: YES_____ NO_____
If this application was completed by someone other than the Head of Household or Spouse/Co-Head of the applicant household, please complete:
Name (print clearly):_______________________________ Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _______________________