How are things going for you, your child, and your family?
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American Academy of Pediatrics | Bright Futures | https://brightfutures.aap.org
Does your child’s diet include iron-rich foods, such as meat, iron-fortied cereals, or beans?
Yes No Unsure
Does your child eat a vegetarian diet (does not eat red meat, chicken, sh, or seafood)?
No Yes Unsure
If your child is a vegetarian (does not eat red meat, chicken, sh, or seafood), does your child
take an iron supplement?
Yes No Unsure
Do you ever struggle to put food on the table?
No Yes Unsure
Do you have concerns about how your child hears?
No Yes Unsure
Do you have concerns about how your child speaks?
No Yes Unsure
Oral health
Does your child’s primary water source contain uoride?
Yes No Unsure
Was your child or any household member born in, or has he or she traveled to, a country
where tuberculosis is common (this includes countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and
Eastern Europe)?
No Yes Unsure
Has your child had close contact with a person who has tuberculosis disease or who has had
a positive tuberculosis test result?
No Yes Unsure
Is your child infected with HIV?
No Yes Unsure
Do you have concerns about how your child sees?
No Yes Unsure
Has your child ever failed a school vision screening test?
No Yes Unsure
Does your child tend to squint?
No Yes Unsure
Neighborhood and Family Violence
Are there frequent reports of violence in your community or school?
No Yes
Has your child ever been bullied or hurt physically by someone?
No Yes
Has your child felt excluded or not a part of any group of friends?
No Yes
Has your child ever told you she was touched in a way that made her uncomfortable or on her private parts?
No Yes
Food Security
Within the past 12 months, were you ever worried whether your food would run out before you got money to buy more?
No Yes
Within the past 12 months, did the food you bought not last, and you did not have money to get more?
No Yes
Tobacco, E-cigarettes, Alcohol, and Drugs
Is there anyone in your child’s life whose alcohol or drug use concerns you?
No Yes
Do any of your child’s friends smoke, use or vape e-cigarettes, drink alcohol or beer, or use drugs?
No Yes
Harm From the Internet
Do you know about your child’s Internet use?
Yes No
Do you have rules for the Internet?
Yes No
Have you installed an Internet safety lter on your computers, tablets, and smartphones?
Yes No
Emotional Security and Self-esteem
Does your child usually seem happy?
Yes No
Are there things your child is really good at doing or is proud of?
Yes No
Does your child have the chance to help others at home, at school, or in your community?
Yes No
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