Southeastern Louisiana University
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form
Office of Financial Aid
SLU 10768 Phone: (985) 549-2244
Hammond, LA 70402 Fax: (985) 549-5077
Please Print
University ID: W
Semester you are appealing for aid:
(Please check only one)
Fall 2019 Spring 2020 Summer 2020
Note: Be sure to include all information you wish the Financial Aid Appeals Committee to consider when determining reinstatement of
your financial aid eligibility. You must attach supporting documentation; such as doctor's statement, legal documents, letter from
counselor, professor, or an Academic Plan from your department or advisor. If your suspension is due to Maximum Time Frame,
please include the classes you have remaining and an expected graduation date.
Explain the circumstances that caused you to fail to meet the satisfactory academic standards, which are required to remain eligible to
receive financial aid.
Explain what steps you have taken, or will take, to improve your academic performance?
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________
This section is to be completed by the Financial Aid Appeals Committee.
Cum. GPA ___________
Hrs Attempted ________
Acad Susp ______Yes ______NoHrs Earned ________
Date: __________________________
Decision: ______ Yes ______No ______Not Needed
Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Initials : ________
Academic Plan: ______ Pass 67% / 2.0 / 3.0 ______ Pass 67% / 2.5 / 3.5
______ Pass All / 2.0 / 3.0 ______ Pass All / 2.5 / 3.5
______ Fall only _____ Sp only _____ Sum only ______ Not to exceed: ______________________________________
Committee Signature(s): _______________________________________________________
___Comment Date Posted:_________________ Initials: ____________________________Communication Posted to System
SLU Email:
Cell Phone:
______ Pending Additional Documentation
If you received a prior degree, please check here
% _________
Please Print
I have attached supporting documentation, Academic Plan or for Maximum Time Frame my remaining classes, as required.