205 North Harvest Hill Circle Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57110
The following are some of the criteria that the SDHSAA Foundation Board of Directors will use in awarding
grants. Please use this as a guideline to determine the eligibility of your proposed request for funding by the
SDHSAA Foundation.
1. VOLUNTEERISM: Projects that involve significant and continuous volunteer support will be considered
more favorably. SDHSAA Foundation feels that it shouldn’t be the sole source of support, and may make
awards contingent on proof that there are other sources of funding. The grant may also be in the form of a
challenge, to be met dollar for dollar by other sources.
2. DISCRIMINATION: Applications from agencies offering services exclusively to one gender, age group,
or race will be closely scrutinized for discriminatory practices. Funding will be based on the needs of the
individuals being served.
3. FUND DISTRIBUTION: Grants will be awarded by the Grant Awarding Committee made up of four (4)
members of the Foundation Board of Directors, and three (3) members of the SDHSAA Board of
Directors, on their evaluation of the applications that are submitted. The Grant Awarding Committee may
determine to fund the grant in its entirety or a portion thereof.
4. PROJECT LONGEVITY: Some projects seeking funding may be ongoing, while others begin and end in
the same calendar year. Projects for multi-year funding are encouraged, but there will be no promise of
funds made available in future years.
5. SEED GRANTS: If start-up funds are requested, they will be more favorably looked on if there is
supporting evidence indicating a need for the project and the ongoing probability of its success.
6. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Consultants and technical assistance will be funded if they are integrally
related to accomplishing the project’s objectives.
7. LOANS: No loans will be issued by the SDHSAA Foundation.
8. PUBLIC/PRIVATE: The Foundation Board will concentrate on funding non-profit
corporations/organizations, but not to the exclusion of organizations that meet grant guidelines.
9. EXCEPTIONS: The Foundation Board may make an exception to printed guidelines upon a motion duly
made, seconded, and carried by a 2/3 vote of members present and voting.
10. GRANT REVIEW PROCESS: The Grant Awarding Committee will consider applications at its spring
and summer meetings or by electronic communication. Applications that meet guidelines will be
considered and prioritized according to guidelines.
11. COMMUNICATION WITH APPLICANTS: All applicants will be informed in writing within 10 days
of the Foundation Board meeting or electronic communication if their request has been approved or
rejected. All decisions will be held in confidence until announced by the SDHSAA Foundation Board of
Directors or their duly appointed spokesperson.
12. FINAL EVALUATION: Organizations receiving funds from the SDHSAA Foundation are asked to
submit a report to the Foundation Board informing them how the funds were used.
Mr. Brad Olson, Aberdeen/Dr. Kelly Glodt, Pierre/Mr. Miles Beacom, Sioux Falls/Mr. Dean Wink, Howes/Mr. Bob Thimjon, Sioux Falls/
Dr. Christopher Larson, Aberdeen/Mr. Tom Cameron, White River/Mr. John Brockelsby, Rapid City/Mr. Wayne Carney, Sioux Falls