Reference Form – Unpaid Volunteer/Community Service
Instructions to applicants:
You must submit two reference letters. Choose referees who can speak to your unpaid
volunteer/community service activities during the
past 2 years. Both referees should not be a family member or a friend. Make copies of this form, send to your referees and as
provide their references. When completed and signed, the forms should
be given back to you to submit with your application by the
application deadline.
Applicant’s Full Name:
Referee’s Full Name:
Referee’s Relationship to Student:
Information for referees:
The SFU Service Awards recognize outstanding unpaid service to the University and/or the community at
large, leadership and volunteer work.
The adjudication committee relies on references to assess the consistency and depth of an applicant’s
volunteer/community involvement.
Describe what you know of the applicant’s unpaid volunteer activities and/or community service during the past 2 years.
Describe applicant’s role and positive contributions to these activities.
Under your organization, indicate total number of service hours completed in the past 2 years:
I certify that I have direct knowledge of the applicant's volunteer work and the information provided in this form is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Referee signature:
Please return this form directly to the applicant named above.
Last updated: January 06, 2020
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