Virginia Education Wizard Career Planning Project (Phase 1)
_____________________________________________ ______________________________
Student Name Student ID#
DIRECTIONS: During the course of this project, you will complete a Skills assessment, an Interest
assessment, and a Values assessment in the Virginia Education Wizard. The purpose of completing
these assessments is to determine if your long-term goals match your skills, interests and values.
This assignment is the beginning of a three phase assignment, so it is important that you do not lose
this information.
PART I: Prior to completing the Career Assessments in the Virginia Education Wizard, please answer the
following questions.
1. My overall employment objective is to be a ______________________________________________.
To achieve my overall employment objective I will need (Check all that apply):
. a certificate (1-2 years)
B. an associate’s degree (2 years)
C. a bachelor’s degree (4 years)
D. a graduate or post-graduate degree (Master’s, Ph.D., M.D., etc.)
E. a professional certification or licensure
F. I am unsure of what I will need.
. I
n order to accomplish this objective, I should complete the following degree or certificate program at
Virginia Western____________________________________________________________________.
4. My educational goals while at Virginia Western are:
. I
feel my strongest academic areas are: _________________________________________________
y program of study at Virginia Western is: ______________________________________________
PART II: Log-in to the Virginia Education Wizard through your My VWCC account and complete the Skills,
Interest, and Values assessments. Step-by-step instructions are attached. Answer the following
questions based on your results.
. B
ased on my Interest Assessment, my primary Interest Type is
. Bas
ed on my Values Assessment, my primary Work Value Type i
. M
y Combined Assessment Results indicate that I may be well-suited for employment in the following
Career Clusters:
a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
4. How do the Career Clusters identified by your Combined Assessment Results compare to your
program of study at Virginia Western? Will your program of study qualify you for employment in any of
these identified Career Clusters? If you have not declared a program of study at Virginia Western, what
degree or certificate could you complete to prepare you for employment in one of your identified
Career Clusters?
. H
ow do the Career Clusters identified by your Combined Assessment Results compare to your overall
employment objective?
6. What obstacles may prevent you from achieving your goals? (i.e. time constraints, family
obligations, finances)
7. What resources will you need to achieve these goals (i.e. financial aid, family support)?
What I need to do in the next six months to reach my educational goals
Goal date
Example: visit the Academic Link to get assistance with my chemistry
One week from