Notes for the Applicant
1. All applicants are asked to check the accuracy of the information supplied. Inaccuracies in information supplied can
cause difficulties at a later date including additional costs, delays and legal proceedings initiated by the Council and/or or by
other persons. Please see the check sheet page five for how to identify your payment if you are paying Council through
online banking.
2. The required minimum application fee must be paid before processing of this application will start.
3. Additional charges may be payable if the cost of processing the application exceeds the application fee paid. If you are
an agent for the applicant and do not wish to be legally liable for additional fees then you should ask the applicant to sign
the form.
4. Depending on the nature of the proposal other consents/licences may be required.
5. This application under the Resource Management Act 1991 is in addition to any building consent application required
under the Building Act 2004.
6. When this application is lodged with the Ashburton District Council, it becomes public information and is available for
public inspection. If there is commercially sensitive information in the proposal, please let us know.
7. If your application is inadequate, it may be rejected and returned to you. You will be advised as to what additional
information is required and will need to submit a new application with the additional information. There is an administration
charge for rejected applications. To avoid delays and cost it is in your best interests to submit a complete application.
8. If there is evidence that your site is contaminated you must provide an assessment of the proposal against the National
Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soils.
9. If you are relocating a building, you will be required to gain confirmation from a suitably qualified person of the cost of
works to put the structure on permanent foundations and any external works required. You will also be asked to pay a bond
or commit to an undertaking that funds are available to Council to complete the works should they not be completed in
accordance with the consent. Failure to supply this or an adequate justification as to why such details arenot required may
result in delay or refusal of the application.
Privacy Information
The Council requires the information you have provided on this form to process your application under the Resource Manage-
ment Act and to collect statistics. Under this Act this information, together with associated reports and attachments, can be
made available to members of the public, including business organisations, community groups and the media. You have the
right to request access to personal information held about you by the Council, and you can request that it be corrected.
Financial Contrbutions
If your resource consent application is for:
- A subdivision in a residential, Aquatic Park or business zone; or
- The construction of more than one residence on a site; or
- Service, industrial, commercial, recreational, or community activities or visitor accommodation;
It may be subject to financial contributions in respect of water and sewer connections, stormwater disposal, road widening,
construction and or formation, open space and reserves, and esplanade provisions. If in doubt, please contact the Planning
Assessment of Environmental Effects
Your resource consent application must include an “Assessment of Effects” as outlined in the Fourth Schedule of the
Resource Management Act1991 (a copy of the Fourth Schedule is included in this form).
In your assessment of effects please
- Describe any effects (actual, potential, negative or positive) produced by your proposal e.g. noise, glare, odour, traffic,
visual, vibration, dust, jobs, impact on traffic safety, etc.
- If your proposal generates any negative effects, please explain how they may be mitigated (lessened) remedied, or avoided
e.g. landscaping, provision of onsite car-parking etc.
The next page of the form is only useful for small scale proposals. A larger, more in-depth assessment may be required for
applications which are likely to produce a range of effects.
If you have any queries about an assessment of effects or why it is required, please contact the Planning Department of the
Ashburton District Council.
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