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The following is a Notification for the City of Sugar Hill Gas Customers
regarding Customer Owned Gas Service Lines.
Federal Regulation 192.16 requires that we notify you to exercise diligence regarding
underground or buried gas piping. Buried pipe may be subject to leakage and/or corrosion
(corrosion may occur on metallic pipe) and could potentially be subject to hazards if not
Remember that any and all gas pipe downstream (house side) of the gas meter belongs to
you, the gas consumer, and the gas consumer is responsible for maintenance and operation of
this portion of the fuel line system. We do not own the gas line beyond the gas meter;
therefore, we do not routinely maintain or locate fuel lines. Commercial plumbers and/or
heating contractors may be contacted if and when gas fuel lines need attention.
Buried gas piping should be—
Periodically inspected for leaks:
Periodically inspected for corrosion if piping is metallic:
Repaired if any condition is discovered, or if the flow of gas should be shut off, and
When excavation is performed or is about to be performed near the buried gas piping, the
piping should be located and marked in advance, and any excavating performed near the
pipe should be done by hand.
This is a NOTICE only. Please sign below to acknowledge that you have received this
information. If you have questions or comments regarding this correspondence, please contact
a gas system representative at our business office at: 770-271-2137
Acknowledge Receipt: ____________________________ Date: __________
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