The purpose of the Graduate Student Research Travel Fund is to promote and encourage research
by graduate students thereby furthering and enhancing the academic endeavors of the student and
promoting graduate studies at Montana State University Billings (MSUB). Funds will be
allocated to students for travel to present a completed scholarly project or activity at a sectional,
state, regional or national professional meeting.
Eligible students may receive up to $250.00 for in-state and $500.00 for out of state
presentations. Presentations formats may include poster presentations, demonstration, panel
presentations, workshops, or paper presentations. Additionally, as part of the application, the
graduate student who receives travel funds must agree to be interviewed and highlighted on the
Graduate Studies web page.
To be eligible, students must have:
A. Completed 50% of program by date of travel
B. Program faculty sponsorship
C. Good academic standing at time of request
D. Been enrolled at time of request
E. Not previously been awarded Research Travel Funds
F. Completed original research for presentation
G. Be listed as primary or secondary presenter
To apply, submit the following at least 60 days prior to expected travel date to the MSUB
Graduate Office in McMullen Hall.
1. Application for Research Travel Funding
2. Prospectus of presentation
3. Copy of program or conference, and a letter of acceptance
4. Completed Travel Authorization Form
Incomplete applications or applications lacking faculty sponsorship will not be considered. The
MSUB Graduate Committee will notify students in writing of the committee’s final decision
within four weeks of application submission. Upon notification, students will receive a packet of
materials for their travel.
1. Name: _______________________________________________________________
Student ID #: ________________________# Credits Completed: ________________
Degree/Program: ______________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________
2. Faculty Sponsor Information
Faculty Sponsor Name Department Phone #
3. List the name of the conference/meeting and where and when it will be held.
When: ______________________________________________________
4. Estimated Travel Costs $_________________ (from Travel Authorization Form)
a. How will you cover travel costs beyond the award? List other sources of funding or
support. ___________________________________________________
5. Was the research component completed for credit? _____________
a. If yes, how many credits and in what semester?
By signing below, I acknowledge this work is original research conducted by the student
and the presentation materials were developed by the student with or without faculty
____________________________________________________________________ _________
Student Date
____________________________________________________________________ _________
Faculty Sponsor Date
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