Revised March 2011
College of Education
Montana State University Billings
1. Program of Study ____________________________________________________________________
590 690 CREDITS _______
2. Date __________________________________ 3. ID # ____________________________
4. Name _________________________________________________ Phone ____________________
Local Address _________________________________________ City ___________________ State ____ Zip ________
Email Address ____________________________________@__________________
5. Attach a description of your internship and your objectives. See attached guidelines and evaluation forms.
6. Semester requested (check one) Fall Spring Summer Year ______
7. Location desired: ___________________________________________________________________
8. The internship is a requirement for completion of (check one):
Endorsement Plan
Licensure program
Master of Education
9. My graduate endorsement plan-of-study was approved on ___________________________________(indicate date).
Masters degree candidates must have an approved Plan-of-Study before the Field Experience and Clinical Practice
Coordinator can accept this application.
10. Master of Education candidate: I expect to graduate: Semester _________ Year _________
11. Date admitted to Teacher Education or School Counseling Program: ______________________________
Or, Teacher Licensure (Folio) Number (if applicable): ___________________________________________
12. Who is the University Supervisor for this internship? ______________________________________________
1. __________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________
Student’s Signature Advisor’s Signature
3. ________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________
Department Chair Field Experience and Clinical Practice Coordinator