Research Resumption Plan
Following the substantial cessation of research activities in March of 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Research
Resumption Plan (RRP) facilitates the ramping up of research activities over the summer and fall, consistent with the
Coastal Comeback Plan and public health and safety guidelines.
An RRP is required for all on-campus research activities and for all off-campus research activities in the field, in non-CCU
research facilities, and at community sites, such as schools or community organization facilities. Research activities include
scholarly research and creative works in any discipline.
Before engaging in research activities, each research faculty member/principal investigator must develop and submit a
Research Resumption Plan (RRP). Each RRP must be approved by the faculty member’s/principal investigator’s department
chair/unit supervisor and dean/unit V.P., and by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.
The Research Resumption Plan is a two-part plan within Phase 1 of the Coastal Comeback Plan:
Phase 1.A. (Target DateJuly 1)
Approval of appropriate critical and/or time-sensitive research activities conducted by faculty, staff, and
graduate students, as well as selected undergraduate students employed by CCU in a research capacity.
Critical and/or time-sensitive research includes activities whose loss or continued interruption would: (1)
negatively impact human or animal research subjects, (2) cause significant loss of project infrastructure,
financial resources, or project momentum, or (3) would create significant difficulties due to seasonal and time-
sensitive limitations or impacts on the planned degree progress and graduation for students.
Research activities must address the health and safety standards for operating in a COVID-19 environment, as
described in the Coastal Comeback plan and Reopening Standards. Specific recommendations regarding these
standards are provided on this form.
Phase 1.B. (Target DateAugust 16)
Approve all research activities that meet COVID-19 health and safety guidelines.
In addition to the personnel above, Phase 1.B. will also allow participation by unpaid undergrad researchers
enrolled for credit.
Who needs
to submit a Research Resumption Plan?
An RRP is required for all on-campus research activities and for off-campus research activities in the field, in non-
CCU research facilities, and at community sites, such as schools or community organization facilities. Research
activities can be for credit or non-credit, paid or unpaid.
If you were already approved for a modified research plan since the COVID-19 closure, you must still submit an
RRP as the new guidelines will likely merit an update to your activity plan.
One application is required per research/creative project or program submitted by a faculty or staff member
who is the Principal Investigator, Project Leader, or Research Mentor.
Who does NOT need to submit a Research Resumption Plan?
An RRP is not required for research conducted individually and remotely/online, such as writing, data analysis,
literature review or other similar activities.
Research activities that are a component of a traditional academic course are approved through academic
departments and colleges and do not require an RRP. However, an RRP is required for individual or small group
research courses that are not covered by the previous bullet, such as field or lab-based undergraduate research,
senior thesis, or research independent study.
Internships do not require an RRP please follow internship procedures identified by departmental internshi
oordinators and/or the Internship Office/Career Services.
Health and Safety Guidelines
The health and safety of Coastal Carolina University employees and students are of utmost importance. No one can
guarantee complete safety from COVID-19 infections, but if researchers take personal responsibility and follow
recommended health and safety guidelines, we can greatly reduce these risks and provide a safe and healthy working
Participation by CCU students and faculty in University-sponsored research activities is voluntary; research participants for
approved projects will be asked to verify their voluntary participation. University employees whose job requires
participating in research activities, but who have concerns about doing so because of a condition that places them in a CDC-
identified high-risk category, should request an accommodation through Human Resources and Equal Opportunity.
If an RRP is approved, the Principal Investigator/Faculty Member in charge of the research program will be responsible for
enforcing health and safety measures for the research team, including the scheduling and direction of personnel to
maintain social distancing, proper use of personal protective equipment, and proper sanitization of equipment and work
areas. Team leaders must maintain daily logs of participant activities, including hours of work and locations. Research
activities that can be effectively carried out from home should continue to be done from home, and research team
meetings should continue to be virtual whenever possible.
Prior to resuming research activities, team leaders must meet with all members of their research team, either virtually or in
person, to review their RRP and safety protocols. Research team members will be required to complete a self-certification
form and online training for public health practices prior to resumption of research. Some early Phase 1.A. projects may
resume prior to the roll-out of these materials and will receive a similar form and training provided by the College of
Graduate Studies and Research. Research team members will be expected to monitor themselves for symptoms each day
before initiating their activities and should only come to work if they are free of any symptoms related to COVID-19.
Further details will be provided upon RRP approval. You can find additional information regarding CCU COVID-19 guidelines
and recommendations in the Coastal Comeback Plan.
Research Resumption Plan Approval
Approval of the RRP is required from: (1) the department chair/unit supervisor, (2) the college dean/unit V.P., and (3) the
Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. The department chair/unit supervisor and college dean/unit V.P. provide the
general academic or administrative approval for the research activity in general. The Dean of Graduate Studies and
Research is responsible for ensuring compliance with COVID-19 related health and safety guidelines as identified in the
Coastal Comeback Plan and may consult with University Counsel and other offices and personnel on campus, as necessary.
Faculty Member/Principal Investigator
Name _______________________________________ Email_______________________ Phone ________________
Department/Unit ______________________________ College/VP Office ___________________________________
Brief Description of Research/Creative Activity
Start Date ______________ End Date: End of Fall Semester End of Spring Semester Other: ___________
Activity funded by (list Account Number(s)): _____________________________________________________________
Description (Briefly describe the project objective and an overview of relevant methods/procedures/locations)
Justification (Phase 1.A. only: Describe how the project is “critical and/or time sensitive” as defined on page 1)
ce and Occupancy
(List all on- or off-campus research spaces, indoor or outdoor, utilized for this project)
CCU Indoor Research Spaces
Room square footages can be found at https://www.coastal.edu/facilities/floorplans/.
Research personnel must limit occupancy in indoor on-campus locations to one individual for spaces of less
than 400 sq. ft., and for larger spaces, to no more than one person per 200 sq. ft. at any one time. This
assumes required movement by researchers within the space, as well as constricted spaces in the typical lab
floor plan. Use this guideline in combination with the room square footage to determine the maximum
number of individuals allowed in the room at one time. If you would like to request additional individuals in
the room, you may contact Rob Young (ryoung@coastal.edu
) to request a specific room assessment, but this
may delay your request. You can always request an assessment at a later date.
Room No./Building
Type of Space (office, lab, etc.)
Sq. Ft.
Max No. of
Individuals Allowed
Non-CCU Indoor Research Spaces
Individuals will be subject to the guidelines for each facility. Applicants should request and attach a copy of the
COVID-related safety guidelines for the facility (recommended spacing or occupancy, mask requirements,
sanitation, etc.), or if unavailable, a brief letter of explanation from an appropriate contact at the facility.
Description of space (organization, type of space [school, office, etc.], location)
Sq. Ft.
Max No. of
Individuals Allowed
Outdoor Research Spaces (on or off campus)
Type of space (open field, salt marsh, beach,
forested area, parking lot, etc.)
Max No. of
Individuals Allowed
Activities Conducted in the Spaces Listed Above
Individuals must wear masks for all indoor research spaces shared by more than one person and for outdoor
spaces if at least a 6 ft distance between individuals cannot be maintained at all times. In the text box below,
describe the primary activities in each space. How will you maintain social distancing, including plans for room
flow and/or offset scheduling of occupants in spaces to minimize contact between individuals? What are your
plans and schedule for sanitizing work areas? If research activities require periodic distancing that is <6 ft. (e.g.
deployment or retrieval of gear, coordinated activities by >1 person), explain why it is required, the duration and
frequency of these activities, and any steps to minimize or mitigate these activities
Vehicle/Boat Use
(describe type of vehicle/boat, number and type of occupants, duration of travel in vehicle, spacing
plans in vehicle)
Cars/Trucks/SUVs/Vans: 1 person per row/bench, all occupants must wear masks, windows open when possible
Small boats (<20 ft) can be operated by faculty or staff members who are CCU-approved boat operators. All
occupants must wear masks and should maintain 6 ft spacing while underway. In most cases, this will limit
occupancy to 2 individuals, including the operator.
Requests to use larger boats requiring a Captain should first be directed to Dr. Will Ambrose who will consult
with the nautical staff. At this point, only limited operations of larger boats are anticipated.
Overnight Travel
If overnight accommodations are required for a research activity, provide all details below (location, type/size of
accommodation, distribution of occupants, precautions for potential contact with the public, etc.), as well as
justification for overnight stays and explanation of any special requests. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case
basis in consultation with University Counsel, the Office of Risk Management and Insurance Services, the Center of
Global Engagement, and/or other required offices, as appropriate.
(List all personnel below, or provide an attached list)
Must be a CCU employee, student, or CCU-approved volunteer. Graduate Students must be employed or enrolled in at
least 1 credit for the current term (summer enrollment is covered by any of the summer terms). Undergraduate
Students: prior to August 16 (Phase 1.A.), students must be employed specifically in relation to this project. After
August 16 (Phase 1.B.), students need only be enrolled. If personnel are added after the project has been approved,
you must notify the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research (ryoung@coastal.edu
Position (Faculty/Staff Title, Grad Student, Undergrad)
Additional Research Requirements
The purpose of this RRP is to approve research activities in a COVID-19 environment. All other requirements for the
proposed research are assumed to have been approved. If this research is still pending additional requirements, such
as IRB approval (research involving human subjects), IACUC approval (research involving vertebrate animals), state or
federal permits, or other requirements, please describe them below, including the status of any applications/requests.
IRB questions can be directed to Stephanie Cassavaugh (scassavau@coastal.edu
), IRB Administrator, and IACUC
questions can be directed to Ryan Yoder (ryoder@coastal.edu), IACUC Chair.
Signature: Submitting Faculty M
ember/Principal Investigator
Through the RRP process, you, as the Principal Investigator/Faculty Researcher, are committing to work together with your
research team to safely conduct research, consistent with the procedures described in this document. Changes or additions
to these protocols may occur as circumstances evolve and should be communicated to your RRP approvers.
_____________________________________________________ _____________________
Submitting Faculty Member/Principal Investigator Date
Approval Signatures
_____________________________________________________ _____________________
Department Chair / Unit Supervisor Date
_____________________________________________________ _____________________
College Dean of Discipline / Unit VP Date
_____________________________________________________ _____________________
Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Date
Submission Instructions
RRP applications may be submitted at any time. Physical or digital signatures are welcome, but to expedite the process
during the COVID-19 closure, the submitting faculty member/PI can simply email the RRP, as an attachment, to all
approvers at once. Submission of the email will serve as the submitter’s signature, and email approvals are acceptable by
all approvers. Please save the RRP application as “Last Name, RRP”, and submit the email with the subject line “RRP
application.” Any questions can be directed to Rob Young (ryoung@coastal.edu