Application for Research Position Salary Adjustment
Name:______________________________ ID:____________ Date: __________
CUPA Discipline: ______________________ Faculty Rank:____________________
Name and contact information for two references who know your creative and
scholarly work well.
Reference 1. Name: ___________________________ Phone:________________
Institutional affiliation: _______________________ Email:___________________
Reference 2. Name: ___________________________ Phone:________________
Institutional affiliation: _______________________ Email:___________________
Please summarize the reasons that a research position salary above the CUPA
average, is justified based on exceptional research productivity and recognition,
and propose an alternative basis for setting the research position salary.
The information and attachments provided are true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: _____________________________ Date: ____________________
Dean’s review: Recommended ___ Not Recommended ___ Attach reasons.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________
Provost’s review: Recommended ___ Not Recommended ___ Attach reasons.
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________
VC Research review: Recommended ___ Not Recommended ___ Attach reasons
Signature: ____________________________ Date: ________________
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Prerequisites for approval of a research base salary higher than the CUPA Average:
1. High research productivity (evidence to be provided here);
2. “Meet expectations” in all duties;
3. Consistently demonstrate proper fiscal and administrative management of
grants; and
4. Consistently follow Montana Tech’s proposal processes.
(1) A current curriculum vitae.
(2) An attachment detailing evidence of exceptional research productivity during
the past three years. The attachment should be organized in sections A
through I. Applications are not required to provide evidence in all the
categories, only those applicable to the discipline and the applicant.
A. Peer-reviewed papers and scholarly books published
B. Other creative or scholarly works appropriate to the discipline
C. Listing of active grants for which you are PI. Include for each one the annual
grant and contract expenditures (in $K) for the current year and previous
two years.
D. Listing of active grants and contracts for which you are CoPI. Include for
each one the annual grant and contract expenditures (in $K) for the current
year and previous two years.
E. Listing of grant applications: Title, sponsor, date submitted, amount
requested, whether you are PI or co-PI, other PIs/co-PIs, its current status,
and if funded the amount received.
F. Listing of names, majors, and project titles for research students you
supervised for the current year and the previous two years. Indicate the
student’s level and when the student graduated (if applicable).
G. Listing of patents submitted. Indicate which have been awarded.
H. Awards or other recognition from state, national, international entities related
to your discipline.
I. Other evidence of high research productivity not included within A through H,
plus examples of the applicant’s integration of research into instructional
Each reviewer shall attach an explanation of the reasons for his/her
recommendation on the request.