Financial Aid Office
3000 Campus Hill Drive
Livermore, CA 94551
(925) 424-1580
ALLOW up to 4 weeks for review. PLEASE TYPE ALL STATEMENTS.
____ Phone (_____) ______________
EMAIL ADDRESS (our response will be via Email_____________________________________________________
My :_____________________________________________________
PLEASE READ: You must first view our online ‘GetSAP’ counseling session at https://lpc.get- which is targeted for financial aid disqualified students. You must pass all GetSAP tests and
submit a copy of your test results with this petition as part of the appeal process. A current complete Student
Education Plan must also be attached to petition. If making an appointment in Counseling, please notify
them that you need the SEP for a Financial Aid petition, so that you receive priority for your appointment.
The Las Positas College Financial Aid Office requires that all students maintain the following standards of Academic
Progress for eligibility for Federal and State Financial Aid.
*Maintain a term and cumulative GPA of at least 2.00
*Maintain a term and overall completion rate of at least 67% (units earned divided by units attempted)
*Must not completely withdraw from classes or earn 0 units with 0.0 GPA during any term of attendance
If you do not meet minimum academic progress standards you are ineligible to receive financial aid grants, loans, or
federal work-study, and some scholarships. Please review the Las Positas College Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic
Progress Policy posted on our website for more information.
If there are DOCUMENTED extenuating reasons (i.e., hospitalization, documented serious illness, accident, death in
your immediate family, etc) which prevented you from meeting these standards, and have since been resolved, you must
provide documentation of those circumstances to corroborate your statement. No petition will be approved based on
extenuating circumstances without adequate documentation. A Student Education Plan (SEP) must also be attached to
your petition. Additionally, please make an appointment for a complete (not an ‘abbreviated’) SEP at the Counseling
Department, Building 1600, 424-1400, or if you are a CalWorks, DSPS, EOPS, Veterans student, with your respective
program counselor. Then:
Read, complete and sign this petition form.
Attach the GetSAP worksheets indicating you passed the three required online counseling sessions.
Attach documentation to support your petition (copies of medical or legal documents, etc.).
Attach complete SEP (abbreviated SEPs will not be accepted)
EXCEPTION TO EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES: If in the most recent term you earned at least 6
units and 75% of units attempted with a minimum 2.5 GPA, but you remain disqualified because of a
deficient cumulative GPA or overall completion rate, you may petition by attaching the GetSAP test results
and a Student Education Plan to your petition. Indicate the reasons for your original cause of poor
progress and indicate how they have been resolved. Attach a Student Education Plan (SEP).
Reinstatement based on significant academic improvement may be considered if you meet the criteria.
You may reinstate yourself without a petition, by attending LPC without financial aid and meeting all of the minimum
SAP standards. Once your term and cumulative GPAs are both at least 2.0 and your term and overall completion rates
are both at least 67%, you will be placed back on PROGRESS status and will regain eligibility on your own. .
Remember that submitting a petition does not guarantee it will be approved. Each case is reviewed and a decision
determined on its individual merits. The decision is not subject to further appeal.
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