STEM Center - CitrusCollegeFacultyRecommendationForm
Name__________________________________________________ Citrus College ID #________________
Citrus Faculty
Name: ________________________________________________ Department: _____________________
To the faculty:
The student above is applying for a position as a tutor in the STEM Center. The STEM Center relies on
tutors who are responsible, mature, and self-directed. Additionally, the prospective tutor should have the
ability to work well with others, be sensitive to the needs of others, and be patient.
Please rate the student from 5 (highest) to 1 (lowest) in the following areas:
Rating Area 5 4 3 2 1
Dependability in meeting commitments
Relates well to others
Flexibility in reacting to new situations
Maturity in approach to studies
Communication skills (written)
Communication skills (oral)
Math ability
Please add any comments you think are important predictors of this student’s ability to be a successful STEM Center tutor.
Faculty Signature:______________________________________________ Date: _______________
Please return the recommendation form to Cristian Farias in MA 129 or email to
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