RP- 458-b
Department of Taxation and Finance
Ofce of Real Property Tax Services
Application for Cold War Veterans
Exemption from Real Property Taxation
See instructions, Form RP-458-b-I, for assistance in completing this form.
4. Is the owner a veteran who served in the active military, naval, or air service of the United States
between September 2, 1945 and December 26, 1991? ....................................................................................... Yes No
If No, indicate the relationship of the owner to veteran who rendered such service:
If Yes, is the veteran also the unremarried surviving spouse of a veteran? ....................................................... Yes No
5. Indicate branch of veteran’s service and dates of active service:
Attach written evidence.
6. Was the veteran discharged or released from the active service under honorable conditions? ............................. Yes No
If Yes, attach written evidence.
7. Has the veteran received, or did the veteran receive prior to his/her death, a compensation rating from
the United States Veteran’s Administration or from the United States Department of Defense as a result
of a service connected disability? ............................................................................................................................ Yes No
If Yes, what is (was) the veteran’s compensation rating?
Attach written evidence showing the date such rate was established.
Mark an X in the box if the rating is permanent:
If No, did the veteran die in service of a service connected disability or in the line of duty; if Yes,
attach written evidence ....................................................................................................................................... Yes No
8. Is the property the primary residence of the veteran or the unremarried surviving spouse of the veteran? ........... Yes No
If No, is the veteran or unremarried surviving spouse of the veteran absent from the property due to
medical reasons or institutionalization? .............................................................................................................. Yes No
1. Name(s) of owner(s)
2. Mailing address of owner(s)
(number and street or PO box) 3. Location of property (street address)
City, village, or post ofce State ZIP code City, town, or village State ZIP code
Daytime contact number Evening contact number Date of purchase of real property
E-mail address
Tax map number of section/block/lot: Property identication (see tax bill or assessment roll)
Name(s) of any non-owner spouse(s)
Address(es) of primary residence(s) if different from above:
9. Is the property used exclusively for residential purposes? ...................................................................................... Yes No
If No, describe the non-residential use of this property and state what portion is so used:
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I (we) hereby certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge and belief and I
(we) understand that any willful false statement made herein will subject me (us) to the penalties prescribed therefore in the Penal Law.
All Owners Must Sign Application
Cold War veterans
exemption (RP-458-b)
Assessment TotalPeriod of Cold War
active service
(10%, 15%, or ceiling max.)
Yes No
Service connected disability
(× 50% or ceiling max.)
Yes No
Assessors Use Only
Street address
Village City/Town School district
Street address
Village City/Town
The exemption was received in the following years
Signature of owner(s) Date
Signature of owner(s) Date
Signature of owner(s) Date
Signature of owner(s) Date
Name of assessor
Assessors signature Date
10. Date title to this property was acquired:
/ /
Attach copy of deed.
11. Has the owner(s) ever received, or is the owner(s) now receiving an eligible funds veterans exemption
or alternative veterans exemption on property in New York State? ......................................................................... Yes No
Fill out if Yes, and the location of the property is not listed on page 1.
12. Has the owner(s) ever received a Cold War veterans exemption on property within New York State? .................. Yes No
Fill out if Yes, and the location of the property is not listed on page 1.