The Division of Graduate Studies
The Robert and Norma Craig Graduate Fellowships are designed to provide benefits to both graduate
students and faculty. The fellowship stipend must be used to foster student development through
mentored activities such as providing research or instructional assistance or by conducting some faculty-
assigned duties, thus freeing faculty members to proceed with the development of research, instruction, or
other professional activities.
The maximum stipend is $1,000 (based on 100 hours @ $10/hour), which will be allocated directly to the
graduate student. The faculty mentor will be required to submit a final report of the mentored activities
within one year following completion of the work by the student receiving support.
Only one proposal per faculty member is eligible for funding. Projects with more than one student on the
same project must submit one application listing all of the participating students. In the event of an
award, the amount will be shared between all of the students on the project. Faculty members must be
tenured or tenure track. Faculty members must have experience working with graduate students.
Applications must be jointly developed by the faculty member and the graduate student(s) on the project.
Student must be at least conditionally classified, in good standing, and be making satisfactory progress
toward their graduate degree. Students may receive this award only once.
The Robert and Norma Craig Graduate Fellowships are made by the graduate dean based upon the
recommendation of a review committee approved by the University Graduate Committee. The chief
consideration in determining whether a proposal submission will be awarded are:
• Quality of the proposed planned activities
• Evidence of student interest and ability to conduct assigned tasks
• Evidence that student is making satisfactory progress toward the degree
Part I of the application is to be completed by the student, Part II, by the faculty member. Attach
additional pages, if needed. Applications are due by 5:00 pm on Friday, October 12, 2012 for full
consideration. Monies will be available in fall 2012 and need to be expended by May 21, 2013. Only one
application per student/faculty member will be accepted.
These awards are for the 2012-2013 academic year. The annual call for proposals will continue to be during the fall semester.
NOTE: Proposals that seek funding exclusively for student degree requirements such as project 298 or thesis/dissertation 299
are not eligible for funding under this program. (See Graduate Student Research and Creative Activities Support Award for
alternative funding.)
Applications and supporting documents should be addressed to: Sharon Brown-Welty, Dean
Division of Graduate Studies
California State University, Fresno
5200 N. Barton Avenue M/S ML 51
Fresno, CA 93740-8014
DGS 6/12