1 | EFS Application Form
We are currently accepting applications for the Professional Excellence in Financial Services (EFS)
Bridge Training Program for Internationally Trained Professionals.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications are being accepted & reviewed on an on-going basis.
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Spaces are limited; do not wait to apply!
Please review all eligibility criteria before submitting your application. For inquiries, please contact the
Bridge Training Program Team at: bridging@senecacollege.ca or 416.491.5050 ext. 77337
To apply for Seneca College’s EFS Bridge Training Program, applicants must meet the following
minimum criteria:
1. Applicants are internationally trained individuals with a post-secondary Degree or Diploma from
an accredited institution outside of Canada.
2. Applicants are Ontario residents who are internationally trained Canadian Citizens, Permanent
Residents, or Convention Refugees.
3. Applicants have a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) Assessment score of a minimum of
Level 7.
Please email the following documents to bridging@senecacollege.ca, with the subject line of “EFS
Application for [Your Full Name]:
1. Completed Application Form (see following pages)
2. Letter of Interest / Cover Letter
3. Chronological Resume
4. Immigration Status Documentation
5. Copies of Academic Credentials (Degrees, Diplomas, and/or Certificates)
6. Copies of Credential Assessment (if available at the time of application)
7. Proof of CLB Assessment
Your application is not complete until all documentation has been submitted.
Please do not issue original copies of documentation photocopies are acceptable.
Please complete each submission to the best of your ability as this is a competitive application
Professional Excellence in Financial Services Bridging Program
2 | EFS Application Form
1. Completed Application Form: (see following pages)
Please answer every question in full to the best of your ability.
2. Letter of Interest:
Your letter of interest should be 1 page, single spaced and address the following questions:
Why are you interested in the EFS Program?
What relevant experience do you have?
Why do you think you are a good candidate for the EFS Program?
3. Chronological Resume:
Your resume must be updated, detailed and chronological (most recent experience, first). Ideally,
your resume should be 2 full pages in 11 or 12 size font. Please be sure to include the following:
All employment that you have held, whether in your field or not, with clear bullet point
explanations of your responsibilities and accomplishments.
All academic qualifications (exact names of Degrees, Diplomas, and/or Certificates),
including any education completed in Canada, with dates.
Professional memberships, licenses, designations, etc.
Any professional training or skills upgrading that you have completed in or outside of
Canada including names of institutions and dates attended.
Software that you are familiar with and your proficiency level (basic, intermediate, or
4. Immigration Status:
Submit a copy of one of the following: Citizenship Card, Canadian Passport, Permanent Resident
Card, or Proof of Refugee Status.
IMPORTANT: If applicable, please include your Immigration identification number (8-digit numeric
Client ID number; IMM 5292, IMM 5509 or IMM 5688 number; Temporary Residence Permit number;
or Ministerial Permit number).
5. Copies of Academic Qualifications:
Provide a proof of all of your academic credentials, (copies of any Diplomas, Degrees and/or
6. Academic Credential Assessment:
If you have a credential assessment available at the time of submission, please include a copy of
these results in your application. For more information about credential assessment services,
please visit World Education Services at www.wes.org/ca
7. CLB Assessment:
Provide proof of completion of a Canadian Language Benchmark Assessment at Level 7.
CLB Assessments are free for Permanent Residents, Convention Refugees and Canadian Citizens.
For more information and to book an appointment, please contact the YMCA of Greater Toronto
at (416) 925-5642 or visit the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks website at
for a list of Assessment Centres in Ontario.
Please be advised that there is considerable demand for this program and due to the limited
number of seats, selection of students follows a competitive process. Shortlisted candidates will be
invited meet with program staff to assess if they are the right fit for the program.
3 | EFS Application Form
First Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Last Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address: __________________________________________________ Unit #/Apt ____________________
City: ________________________ Province: _______________________ Postal Code: ____________________
Primary Telephone #: __________________________ Secondary Telephone #: _________________________
Primary Email: __________________________________________________________________________________
Secondary Email: _______________________________________________________________________________
Please answer all questions and provide detail where required.
1. Are you legally eligible to work in Canada? ___YES ___ NO
2. What is your immigration status?
3. What date did you arrive in Canada? (mm/dd/yyyy) _____/ _____/ _____
4. What is your primary professional area of expertise or specialization?
5. If applicable, what are your other areas of expertise of specialization? Please rank in order from
highest to lowest.
___ Permanent Resident (PR)
___ Canadian Citizen (CC)
___ Convention Refugee (CR)
Professional Excellence in Financial Services Bridging Program
4 | EFS Application Form
6. How many years of experience do you have in your field?
7. Have you ever worked in your professional field or a related field in Canada? Include seasonal
work, part-time, temporary, etc.
8. If yes, please specify: (if you require more space, please attach on a separate sheet of paper)
Name of Employer/ Organization: _______________________________________________________________
Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy): _____/_____/_____
End Date (mm/dd/yyyy): _____/_____/_____
Job Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Brief description of your role and responsibilities:
Name of Employer/ Organization: _______________________________________________________________
Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy): _____/_____/_____
End Date (mm/dd/yyyy): _____/_____/_____
Job Title: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Brief description of your role and responsibilities:
9. Are you currently or have you ever participated in any other bridging or employment
program(s), job search workshop(s), resume and interview coaching workshop(s), etc.?
10. If yes, please specify: (if you require more space, please attach on a separate sheet of paper)
Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy): _____/ _____/ _____
End Date (mm/dd/yyyy): _____/ _____/ _____
___ YES
___ NO
___ YES
___ NO
5 | EFS Application Form
Name of the organization: _____________________________________________________________________
Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy): _____/ _____/ _____
End Date (mm/dd/yyyy): _____/ _____/ _____
11. Do you currently hold any professional licenses, certifications or designations?
12. If yes, please specify:
13. If no, do you plan to apply for any professional licenses, certifications or designations?
14. If yes, please specify:
15. In the past year, what steps have you taken to gain employment in your field? Please be specific
as to which strategies you have used, and how much time you spend on job searching:
16. How did you hear about the EFS Bridging program? Please be specific.
I, the undersigned, certify that the information contained in this application has been completed by
myself, the applicant, and is true and complete, to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: _____/ _____/ _____
Thank you for completing this application, and for your interest in Seneca’s Professional Excellence in Financial Services
Bridging Program.
___ YES
___ NO
___ YES
___ NO