Other Direct Costs:
Total Direct Costs:
Indirect Cost Rate:
Total University Cost
Total Cost Sharing Contribution __________________
Total Project Costs (Including University Cost Share Funds) ____________________________
II. Third Party Cost-Sharing
If cost sharing is proposed by third-party sources (i.e. the University is not a contributor), this section must be completed.
The organization providing cost-sharing must be named and its respective contribution identified. Verification of third party cost-sharing
should be provided by a letter committing the organization to cost-share, signed by an authorized official.
Organization: _____________________________________________________________________________
Amount of Cost-Sharing: ____________________________________________________________________
Source of Cost-Sharing: _____________________________________________________________________
III. Related University Cost-Share Accounts
If cost sharing is proposed by use of another University account in total, this section must be completed.
The technical relationship between the two (or more) projects must be established. The accounts must be identified and the PI must certify
to their relatedness. Please note that other Federal projects may not be used for cost sharing in proposals to Federal agencies, unless
specifically approved by the sponsor.
University FOAP: __________________________ Investigator: ____________________________________
Title of Project/Account Description: