Department for Culture, Media and Sport Moving the May Bank Holiday Pre-Consultation Q&A
The Pre-consultation questions
The main purpose of this pre-consultation is to invite ideas for alternative dates and occasions to
possibly replace the May Day Bank Holiday. In order to properly assess each idea it would be helpful
for all respondents to provide as much information about any prospective alternative date or occasion.
The two broad areas are set out below. We are happy to take responses that either suggest a date
without stating that it celebrates an occasion or suggest an occasion without specifying a date.
The Tourism Strategy set out two suggestions; moving the bank holiday to October to create a UK Day
or Trafalgar Day or; moving the bank holiday to the patron saints days of St Georges day and St David’s
day. While we are happy for respondents to suggest either of these days, we are particularly interested
in hearing alternatives
What “occasion” do you believe an alternative bank holiday should mark?
In your response you should set out a description of the occasion as well as any supporting evidence.
While it is not compulsory you may find it useful to base your response around the following categories;
• A description of the occasion
• A background or history of the occasion
• It’s relevance to the UK, or a particular part of the UK
• How it would benefit UK society and/or the UK economy
1500 characters