Power of Attorney Registration Form & Guidance Note
• Make sure your power of attorney (PoA) has been drafted before completing the
registration form
• Only use this form when sending your PoA documentation by post
• You only need to send us the pages of the form that you have completed
• Please don't use staples/paperclips
Section 1 -
Tell us about the person granting/making the PoA. Please also provide their date of birth.
We will send a copy of the registered PoA to the granter for their records either by post or
e-mail. The granter's email address or an email address they have given permission to
use must be provided if their copy is to be e-mailed to them.
The law says that someone who is currently declared as bankrupt cannot make a PoA to
deal with their property or financial affairs. For the purposes of the Adults with Incapacity
(Scotland) 2000 Act, a person is bankrupt if their estate has been sequestrated for
insolvency or a protected trust deed has been granted.
Section 2 -
Use this section to tell us about a sole or any joint attorneys appointed and named in the
PoA. These attorneys need to sign the form to confirm they are:
• freely willing to accept the appointment,
• willing to act on behalf of the granter, and under no pressure to do so; and
• over the age of 16
• not currently declared bankrupt*
If more than 2 attorneys are appointed, you can make further copies of section 2.
*Attorneys who have been granted continuing powers, i.e. powers to deal with financial
and or property matters cannot take on the role or act if they are declared as bankrupt or a
protected trust deed has been granted. Being appointed as attorney is a position of trust
and you must not take advantage of that position. For more information about the duties
and responsibilities as attorney, please refer to the website and to our attorney factsheet
Section 3 -
When the PoA is registered, the certificate of registration will be issued to the sender. This
is the person who is sending the documentation to us.
Section 4 -
Tell us about any substitute attorneys that are appointed. If more than 2 are appointed,
you can make further copies of section 4. Substitutes do not need to sign at this stage but
they do need to tell us when they are taking up the appointment.
Section 5 -
The legislation allows for up to 2 specific people to receive a copy of the registered PoA.
If it's the granter's wish that copies of the PoA are to be sent, then this must be stated in
the PoA along with the names and addresses of the specified persons. This copy is for
information purposes/record keeping only.
If the copy is to be sent by e-mail please provide an e-mail address which the specified
person has given permission to use.