Plain Local Schools
CrowdFunding Application Form
Applicant _________________________________________________________________________
Building / Grade / Content Area / Service Area: __________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Email: ______________________________________
Total Amount Requested for CrowdFunding Grant $ _____________
Site you are requesting the grant from ______________________________
Requesting Cash (To be made payable to the Plain Local School District) ___________
Goods and Services _______________
Combination? ________________ Amount of Cash _____________
Have you ever been a recipient of a CrowdFunding Grant? Yes ____ No ____
Project Dates:
Project Summary (Attach Narrative):
How does this project align with district goals / initiatives listed on the cover sheet and support the
philosophy of a relevant and personalized education for all of Plain Locals’ students?
Description – Please detail each area of expenses (i.e. supplies,
transportation, salaries / professional fees, administration,
materials, food, etc.)
Total Expenses
Total Budget
Total Requested
___________________________________________ ______________________
SIGNATURE - Applicant Date
Comments of Principal/Treasurer/Superintendent:
_____________________________________ _______________________
Approval Building Principal Date
_____________________________________ _______________________
Approval Treasurer’s Office Date