6004 S County Rd G • PO Box 5009 • Janesville, WI 53547-5009
(608) 758-6900 • info@blackhawk.edu • blackhawk.edu
Last Revised: 12/3/2019 2
Read, complete all sections, and submit all required documents. Failure to do so will result in an invalid petition.
Date of Nursing Petition Meeting Attended
I. College Coursework Total Points: ______/160 points
Check the column that represents the grade achieved and indicate where the course was completed. Blackhawk’s Credit for
Prior Learning process must be complete in order for courses taken at other institutions to be considered for petitioning.
Required Pre-Requisite Courses – these courses must be completed in order to petition
If taken elsewhere,
list school name:
English Comp/ Written Communication
Additional points are awarded for the following general education courses, if complete at the time of petitioning.
These courses are needed for graduation, but are not required for petitioning.
Optional Nursing Prep Courses
Total Points for College Coursework: __________/160
*Points are doubled for science and math courses.
II. Work Experience Total Points: ______/20 points
I have worked in the following position(s) within the previous five years. Include a completed Verification of Occupational
Experience form. Only the final candidates will be audited. For Type of Position, “no customer/patient interaction” is awarded 0pts,
“customer care/service” is awarded 5pts, and “direct patient care” is awarded 10pts. For Time in Position, “up to one year” is
awarded 0pts, “one to five years” is awarded 5pts, and “five years or more” is awarded 10pts.
Total Points for Work Experience: __________/20
For clinical placement, have you ever worked in a long-term care facility or at an acute care facility?
If so, explain (no points are awarded for this): ___________________________________________________________________
Have you been enrolled in the BTC ADN program in the past? Yes No
Have you previously petitioned and your employment information has not changed since then? Yes No
III. Program Admission Testing (TEAS-Nursing) Total Points: ______/100 points
The following points are awarded: 0-59% = 0pts, 60-64% = 20pts, 65-69% = 40pts, 70-74% = 60pts, 75-79% = 80pts, 80-100% =
IV. BTC District Resident Total Points: ______/10 points
If you are a resident of the Blackhawk District (i.e. live in Rock or Green Counties in Wisconsin), you will receive 10pts. If not,
please indicate 0pts. District residence is verified by BTC by the address on file and is not required for petitioning.