Page 2 of 4 Rev, 01/2019
3. What is the total number of parking spaces in the lot? _________ How many lots? _______
4. Date when the parking lot was last repainted? ____________________________________
5. Are any handicapped spaces currently provided? _____ yes _____ no. If you answered
no, go to #7. If you answered yes, check the following items which you believe are in
a) Check any of the following which apply:
____ Handicapped parking spaces are not the closest spaces in the lot to the accessible
entrance. (Section 23.3.1)
____ An accessible passenger drop-off area is not provided within 100 feet of an
accessible entrance, when handicapped parking spaces are located more than 200
feet from an accessible entrance. (Section 23.3.3)
____ Where sidewalks are provided at handicapped parking spaces, a curb cut is not
installed at the access aisle of each handicapped parking space or pair of spaces.
(Section 23.5)
____ Accessible route to an accessible entrance is not provided wherever passenger
loading zone or parking area is provided. (Section 23.7.1)
____ Passenger loading zones do not provide an access aisle at least 60 inches wide,
adjacent and parallel to the vehicle space. (Section 23.7.2)
____ Valet parking does not provide a passenger loading zone located on an accessible
route to the entrance. (Section 23.8)
Space Design
____ Handicapped parking space is less than 8 feet wide, plus the access aisle. (Section
____ Handicapped parking space is not level and does not have a uniform, paved or hard
packed smooth surface. (Section 23.4.4)
____ Handicapped parking spaces are not marked by high contrast painted lines or
delineation. (Section 23.4.5)