Deterred Deals (continued)
98. Which of the following were reasons for not applying to, or withdrawing an application from, EXIM?
(choose all that apply)
Co-financing: Lack of availability and/or flexibility
Cover policy: Off cover in requested market and/or specific
Economic impact: Product(s) subject to specific trade
Economic impact: Subject to detailed economic analysis
Environmental policies: Requirement to publish ex-ante overly
transparent for competitive reasons
Environmental policies: Environmental review process
Exposure fees: Better pricing from other ECA
Exposure fees: Lack of predictability
Foreign currency guarantee: Lack of availability
Foreign currency guarantee: EXIM crystallization requirement
Foreign content: Did not meet EXIM content requirements
Interest rates: Lender guarantee interest rate cost prohibitive
Interest rates: Inability to access to EXIM direct loan
Local costs: Requirement to demonstrate foreign competition
and/or local financing not available from commercial market
(medium term only)
MARAD PR-17: Requirement to ship on U.S. flagged vessel
MARAD PR-17: Determination not made
MARAD PR-17: Processing time for determination
Market Windows: Request to match financing not granted/Did
not meet EXIM requirement(s) to match
Risk-taking: Requirement for risk mitigation and related costs
(legal, financial, etc.)
Services: Stand-alone services not covered
Services: Associated services not covered
Tied aid: Transaction did not meet, or not likely to meet, EXIM
tied aid policy
Tied aid: Processing time
Untied financing: Absence of untied financing program
Other (please specify)
99. Please provide any general comments on deterred deals that you may wish to share.