Student Name
eSchool Discussion Question (DQ) with Video Presentation Rubric (PME)
Overall Grade Scale: Outstanding: 100-96%, Excellent: 95-90%, Satisfactory: 89-75%, Unsatisfactory: <75%
Levels of Achievement
Excellent Satisfactory
Not Acceptable
100 to 96 points
Fully answered all aspects of the
assignment. Demonstrated robust
critical thinking through a
comprehensive analysis that integrated
relevant perspectives into a highly
original, clear thesis fully supported
with consistent logic.
95 to 90 points
Answered all aspects of the
assignment. Demonstrated critical
thinking through a comprehensive
analysis that integrated relevant
perspectives into a clear thesis
supported with consistent logic.
89 to 75 points
Answered the assignment.
Demonstrated critical thinking
with sufficient analysis and
adequately stated thesis with
adequate support.
74 to 1 point
Failed to adequately address aspects of
the assignment. Analysis did not
demonstrate critical thinking, was unclear
and not adequately supported.
0 points
Inappropriate and/
or unprofessional
response. Did not
assignment. Non-
original work.
100 to 96 points
Demonstrated exceptional and in-
depth mastery of course concepts.
Novel use of evidence, primarily
through course material/concepts and
augmented with relevant personal
experiences/external sources to
support positions.
95 to 90 points
Demonstrated mastery of course
concepts. Strong use of evidence,
primarily through course material/
concepts and augmented with
relevant personal experiences/
external sources to support
89 to 75 points
Demonstrated understanding of
course concepts. Adequate use of
evidence, primarily through
course material, to support
74 to 1 point
Did not demonstrate understanding of
course concepts. Inadequate use of course
material to support positions.
0 points
Inappropriate and/
or unprofessional
response. Did not
assignment. Non-
original work
points earned
Course Concepts &
points earned
Points Percent
29 Jan 18
(100 points)
(Critical Thinking)
Course Concepts
& Support
(100 points)
(Points Possible)
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Video Assessment (For Student and Instructor Use)
50 to 48 points
Gestures were natural and
spontaneous; gestures consistently
enhanced verbal message and captured
attention of the audience.
Near-continuous eye contact with
audience, seldom returned to notes.
47 to 45 points
Gestures were purposeful and
coordinated with dialogue; gestures
consistently supported verbal message
and helped maintain attention of
audience. Maintained eye contact
most of the time but periodically
returned to notes.
44 to 38 points
Gestures were appropriate, but
occasionally mechanical; gestures
were aligned to the verbal message
and usually helped maintain
attention of audience.
Frequent eye contact but
frequently returned to notes.
37 to 1 points
Gestures were forced and/or awkward;
gestures frequently were not aligned to
the verbal message and/or were
distracting to the audience.
Limited eye contact; excessive time looking
at notes.
0 points
Inappropriate and/
or unprofessional
gestures, eye
contact, or body
movement. Student
read presentation
with no eye contact.
Gestures & Eye
points earned
Gestures & Eye
(50 points)
(Student and
Instructor Graded)
(Student and
Instructor Graded)
(Student and
Instructor Graded)
Levels of Achievement
50 to 48 points
Voice was exceptionally clear and
easily heard. Pronunciation of
terms was precise and correct.
47 to 45 points
Voice was clear and easily heard.
Pronunciation of terms was precise
and correct with only minor deviations.
44 to 38 points
Voice was usually clear, but
sometimes too low to hear clearly.
Pronunciation of terms was
acceptable but lacked precision
and/or used incorrect terms on
37 to 1 point
Voice was commonly mumbled/low/
difficult to hear. Pronunciation of
terms was frequently incorrect and/or
frequently used incorrect terms.
0 points
Inappropriate and/or
unprofessional use of
voice. Inappropriate
and/or unprofessional
terms used.
25 to 24 points
Complied with all assignment
parameters: time limit (+/- 15
seconds), correct groups, etc.
23 points
Minor deviation(s) from assignment
parameters: time limit (+/- 30
seconds), correct groups, etc.
22 to 19 points
Deviation(s) from assignment
parameters: time limit (+/- 45
seconds), correct groups, etc.
18 to 1 points
Significant deviation(s) from
assignment parameters: time limit
(+/- 60 seconds), correct groups or
citations, etc.
100 to 96 points
Inspired further discussion by
respectfully challenging and/
or expanding on ideas and
encouraging others to do the
95 to 90 points
Engaged in discussion by
respectfully challenging and/or
expanding on ideas.
89 to 75 points
Respectfully engaged in discussion.
74 to 1 points
Stifled discussion - displayed lack of
respect for peers and/or the discussion
0 points
Inappropriate and/or
unprofessional response.
Did not complete
assignment. Non-original
0 points
Did not complete
assignment or sig-nificant
deviation(s) from
assignment parameters:
time limit (+/- 75 sec-
onds), correct groups or
citations, etc.
Outstanding Excellent Satisfactory
Not Acceptable
Vocal Clarity
(50 points)
(25 points)
(100 points)
Vocal Clarity
points earned
points earned
points earned
(Points Possible)
29 Jan 18
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DQ Assessment (For Instructor Use Only)
(Student and
Instructor Graded)
(Student and
Instructor Graded)
(Instructor Use ONLY)
Levels of Achievement
50 to 48 points
Writing was exceptionally clear,
understandable and concise.
Overall paragraph and/or sentence
organization was exceptional.
Writing followed all appropriate
style/format guidance (e.g. Tongue
and Quill, AU Style Guide,
Chicago Manual of Style).
Writing is free of digressions
and/or irrelevant information.
47 to 45 points
Writing was clear, understandable and
concise. Overall paragraph and/or
sentence organization was very good.
Writing contains minor deviations
from appropriate style/format
guidance (e.g. Tongue and Quill, AU
Style Guide, Chicago Manual of Style).
Digressions and/or irrelevant
information does not significantly
distract from the argument.
44 to 38 points
Writing was generally clear,
understandable and concise.
Overall paragraph and/or
sentence organization was
generally effective.
Writing contains multiple
deviations from appropriate style/
format guidance (e.g. Tongue and
Quill, AU Style Guide, Chicago
Manual of Style). Digressions and/
or irrelevant information distract
reader from the argument.
37 to 1 point
Writing was repeatedly unclear, difficult to
understand and/or wordy. Overall paragraph
and/or sentence organization was ineffective
or nonexistent.
Writing contains significant and/or
substantial deviations from appropriate style/
format guidance (e.g. Tongue and Quill, AU
Style Guide, Chicago Manual of Style).
Digressions and/or irrelevant information
consistently detract from the argument.
0 points
Inappropriate and/
or unprofessional
response. Did not
assignment. Non-
original work.
50 to 48 points
Grammar and spelling were flawless.
47 to 45 points
No more than a few minor grammar
and/or spelling errors.
44 to 38 points
Grammar or spelling errors noted
that did not detract from
37 to 1 point
Repeated grammar or spelling errors
detracted from readability.
0 points
Inappropriate and/
or unprofessional
response. Did not
assignment. Non-
original work.
Outstanding Excellent Satisfactory
Not Acceptable
Writing Style
(50 points)
Writing Mechanics
(50 points)
Writing Style
points earned
Writing Mechanics
points earned
(Points Possible)
29 Jan 18
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(Instructor Use ONLY)
(Instructor Use ONLY)