501 North 44
Street, Suite 200 Phoenix, AZ 85008 (602) 506-3301
Legal Non-Conforming Packet 10/30/19
1. Application: completed and signed – 2 copies
2. Proof of ownership (recorded deed or unofficial copy) – 1 copy
If applicable, lease agreement. If the subject property is part of a land
lease, the Lease Agreement should include the terms of the lease, and the
proposed use of the leased land. Additional information may be required
after reviewing the Lease Agreement.
3. Site Plan – 2 copies (11”x17” or 8 1/2” x 14”) of the property, indicating the
a) The site plan must be drawn to a recognizable scale, i.e. 1” = 20’.
b) North arrow and scale (written and graphic scale) shown on plan.
c) All property lines must be clearly shown and dimensions indicated.
d) Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures
(including fences, signs and pools) from property lines and distance
between structures.
e) Location and width of dedicated streets, recorded easements, (provide
recording number) and patent easements on or adjacent to property
(include names of streets if applicable).
f) All existing and proposed structures must be shown and dimensioned on
the site plan.
4. Narrative Report – 2 copies describing the proposed use in detail.
5. Photographs
Submit photographs of the site, taken on all four corners of the property
and looking inward to the property (minimum of four photographs).
Please label each photograph with the view, direction and date.
A site plan or key map may also be used in conjunction with the
photographs with notations showing what direction the photograph faces
and where it is taken.
6. Copy of the Patent Easement Deed (if applicable) which may be acquired at the
Bureau of Land Management, 1 N. Central, Phoenix, (602) 417- 9200 – 1 copy
7. Evidence of LNC. The burden of proof is on the owner/owner’s authorized agent
to provide adequate verifiable documentation of the claim involving a legal non-
conforming status. One or more of the following are acceptable examples:
An original copy indicating flight data of an aerial photograph showing the
use/activity prior to May 29, 1969, the structure prior to January 1, 2000, or
other effective date of the zoning ordinance that applies.
Previous permit(s) with all necessary information.