Nov 2019
Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Rhodes ID Number: R _________________________________ Year of Graduation ________________________
[First year students are ineligible to take course overloads.]
Permission is requested to take a course overload of more than nineteen (19) credits during the ________________
semester, academic year ____________ . My Current GPA: ____________ Current Total Credits Earned: __________
The reasons for this petition are: (Attach additional sheet if necessary)
List below your complete schedule without the overload, including all labs, directed inquiries, consortium courses or
courses taken off-campus during the semester of the proposed overload.
Department Course Number Section CRN Professor Credits
Total credits without overload ______________________
List below all the course(s) you will add to your schedule if this petition is approved. If the petition is not approved, the
course(s) may not be added to your schedule or, if already on your schedule, will be dropped.
________________________________________________ Total credits with overload _______________
I understand that additional tuition will be charged for each hour over nineteen (19).
Signature of Student ____________________________________________________ Date ____________________
Name of Faculty Adviser (Print) _________________________________________________________________
( ) I approve
this petition. ( ) I approve this petition with reservations. ( ) I do not approve this petition.
Signature of Faculty Adviser ________________________________________________ Date __________________
For the Committee: ( ) Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Returned for additional information
Signature _____________________________________________________________ Date ______________________
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