Rev 12/2017
City of Manchester
14318 Manchester Road
Manchester, MO 63011
P: (636) 227-1385 ex. 118
F: (636) 821-8099
1. Completed application form.
2. Site Plan/Map indicating location of temporary sign or tent.
3. Sketch of any proposed signage, including dimensions.
• Outside storage of materials, equipment, goods, supplies and merchandise is prohibited unless a permit is
obtained through the Planning & Zoning department for a special event or sale.
• Outdoor Event or Sale may only be a 7 day event and can be held up to twice (2) a year.
• If using a tent, any tent that is 900 sq. ft. or larger requires Zoning Approval and permitting through St. Louis
• The applicant assumes all liability for securing the tent in an appropriate manner.
This application must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days in advance of event.
PROJECT ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________________
Address:__________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
City, State, Zip:_____________________________________ Email:______________________________
Address:__________________________________________ Phone:______________________________
City, State, Zip:_____________________________________ Email:______________________________
Size of Requested Tent:
I hereby certify that the information contained in this application and accompanying documents are correct, and that I
will conform to all applicable laws of the City of Manchester.
Applicant Signature:______________________________________________________Date:___________________
Applicant’s Name Printed:_________________________________________________________________________
Zoning Fees Fee paid on:______________________ Amount:_____________________
ZONING APPROVAL City of Manchester Permit #:____________________
Approved by:______________________________________________________Date:________________________
Director, Planning, Zoning and Economic Development
Outdoor Event/
Sales Promotion
Describe Sales Event: Sidewalk Sale Tent Sale Other_______________
Start Date:_______________ End Date:_______________ Total Days:________
Temp. Tent Dates of Event:
(7days/2c yr.)
Sale/Promo Dates of Event:
(7days/2c yr.)
Start Date:_______________ End Date:_______________ Total Days:________