Library Orientation Request
To request library orientation, please submit the form below. For use by Cuesta faculty only.
Instructor Name: _____________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________
Class Name and CRN#: _________________________________________________________
Campus for Orientation: SLO NCC
Date requested for Orientation: (allow one week for scheduling) _______________________
Time requested for Orientation: ____________________
Number of students attending: __________________
Type of Orientation: English 201A
Academic Skills (Assignment provided by Library)
General intro to Library (WebCat, databases)
Other - ______________________________________
Teacher/Librarian designed assignments. Any subject.
Notes/Messages ______________________________________________________________
Orientations on the San Luis Obispo campus are usually held in the library, room 3219. San Luis
campus requests are forwarded to Mallory Cronan for scheduling (x3190).
North County orientations are usually held in your classroom. North County orientation requests
are forwarded to Jennifer Correa (x6211) for scheduling.
Thank you for your request. We look forward to orienting your students to the library.
Important: The instructor's presence at the orientation helps establish authority and lets the
students know how valuable the orientation is to their success in using the library.
Note: If your orientation is for ENGL 201A and you are using the online (pdf) version of the
workbook, be sure that your students bring a copy to reference during the orientation.