Fee Justification
Fee justification forms should be submitted for every course change that has an associated fee. In general, all science
and technology courses and some language and mathematics courses are included in this category.
Fee: Check only one
New Change Delete No Change
Effective Term/Year:
Course Number:
Recommended Fee Amount:
Current Fee Amount:
Cost per student must not exceed justification; show a breakdown of cost per student to justify fee:
Cluster Chair Review
Curriculum Coordinator Use Only
Date Approved by Executive Council and/or Board of Trustees:
Rev 5/2018
(Fee changes must be approved by the EFSC Board of Trustees prior to implementation)
Nursery Operations and Management
Oils for tool cleaning $2 per student
Cleaning rags for tools $2 per student
Water quality testing kits $10 per student
Chemicals to modify water $5 per student
Plant tags $5 per student
Soil $10 per student
Pots $10 per student
Plant hormones $5 per student
Cloning and transplanting materials $10 per student
Soil symbionts $3 per student
Plant modification materials $3 per student
Plant pests for dissection $15 per student
Plant nutrients $5 per student
Cost: $85 per student