Fee Justification
Fee justification forms should be submitted for every course change that has an associated fee. In general, all science
and technology courses and some language and mathematics courses are included in this category.
Fee: Ch
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New Change Delete No Chang
Effective Te
Course Number:
Recommended Fee Amount:
ost per student mut not eceed utcton; show a breakdown of cost per student to justify fee:
Current Fee Amount:
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Rev 5/2018
(Fee changes must be approved by the EFSC Board of Trustees prior to implementation)
Soils and Application of Pesticides and Fertilizers
Plant growing medium $10 per student
Plant soils $5 per student
Soil testing kits $4 per student
Plants for dissection $5 per student
Pots for plants $10 per student
Seeds $10 per student
Seed starter kits $10 per student
Plant hormones and regulators $5 per student
Plant symbionts $3 per student
Plant pests for dissection and testing $15 per student
Plant pesticides $15 per student
Plant fertilizers $15 per student
Cost: $107 per student