State Postcode
Yes No
Linkt NSW Linkt QLD Linkt VIC
M5 South-West Motorway
If yes, what is their full name?
Email address
Are you making this complaint on behalf of another
Postal address
Vehicle Registration Number
A free and independent alternative dispute resolution scheme for customers of E-way,
Linkt NSW, Linkt QLD, Linkt VIC and M5 South-West Motorway tolling businesses.
Mobile telephone
Online Complaint Form
Your details
Daytime telephone
Given names
Account number
Account name
Complaint Details
Please give details of your complaint:
What happened following your complaint to the tolling business?:
What do you want to happen for your complaint to be resolved?
Which tolling business are you making a complaint about?
To enable the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman to review your enquiry or complaint, you authorise your tolling business to release your personal
information to the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman. The TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman is not authorised to make any changes to the
personal information supplied by the tolling business about you.
Consent to release information to the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman
Important: Please read the following information before completing this form
You may request an independent review by the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman (TCO) if you are a customer of the tolling businesses listed
above and your enquiry or complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction through the relevant tolling business' customer resolutions process.
Each tolling business collected personla information as part of their customer accounts and toll collection systems. All personal information collected
is handled in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, Australian Privacy Principles and relevant legislation.
Linkt NSW, Linkt QLD and Linkt VIC are registered trademarks of Transurban Limited. E-way is a registered trademark of Interlink Roads Pty Ltd.
If this consent is revoked by me in writing to the above named tolling business, the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman may not be in a position to
adequately review my enquiry or complaint.
By signing below, I consent to the relevant personal information being disclosed to the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman for the sole
purpose of reviewing my enquiry or complaint.
The consent will continue from the date received until the date your enquiry or complaint is finalised. You can revoke this consent at any time by
writing to the customer resolutions team of the relevant tolling business.
I confirm that I am the primary account holder of the account specified above, or am duly appointed to act on their behalf, and consent to the release
of all information held by the above named tolling business in relation to that account to the TCO Tolling Customer Ombudsman for review.
I understand and acknowledge that:
This information may include details of matters that do not relate to the subject of my current enquiry or complaint.
This consent is valid up to and including the date on which my enquiry or complaint is finalised by the above named tolling business and/or the TCO
Tolling Customer Ombudsman.
This consent will only be accepted if the form is completed in full.