Title ___________________________________ School Employer _________________________________________________
Instructions: Employer must KEEP THIS COMPLETED FORM AT THE SCHOOL to be verified by an SDE Regional
Accreditation Officer - either one form per driver or an attendance roster can be attached for each class. A minimum of four (4)
hours of in-service each year is required by the State Board of Education to hold an SDE Oklahoma School Bus Driver
Certificate. Each year 2 hours of in-service must come from the first 14 subjects on the list below. Choose in-service topics
from this list. (Do not submit this form to the State Department of Education.)
Date PRINT Name of Presenter*
1. _________ Adjusting Bus Mirrors/Danger Zones _____________________________________________
2. _________ Picking Up and Discharging Passengers ___________________________________________
3. _________ Turnabout Maneuvers and Backing the Bus _______________________________________
4. _________ Activity Trip Procedures/Night Driving Safety ______________________________________
5. _________ Railroad Crossing Procedures ___________________________________________________
6. _________ Sound Driving Practices _______________________________________________________
7. _________ Bus Evacuation Procedures ____________________________________________________
8. _________ Bus Evacuation Procedures on Activity Trips _______________________________________
9. _________ Student Discipline on the Bus __________________________________________________
10. ________ Transportation of Special Needs Students _________________________________________
11. ________ Evacuation Procedures for a Special Needs School Bus ______________________________
12. ________ Hazardous Weather Procedures for Bus Drivers ____________________________________
13. ________ Bullying: Recognition, Reporting, and Prevention ___________________________________
14. ________ Evaluation of Bus Routes and Pick Up/Discharge Areas ______________________________
2 Hours of in-service each year must come from above this line
15. ________ Blood Bourne Pathogens or Anaphylactic Shock ___________________________________
16. ________ CPR and First Aid Training _____________________________________________________
17. ________ Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Procedures _________________________________
18. ________ Local Policies for Student Transportation _________________________________________
19. ________ Diabetes Management in Schools Act (70 O.S. §1210.96.2) ___________________________
20. ________ Employee Harassment: Laws and District Policies ___________________________________
21. ________ Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) __________________________________
22. ________ Gang Activity Recognition, Reporting and Prevention _______________________________
23. ________ Additional Subject (As Needed) Specify Below; _____________________________________