State of Oklahoma
Manufactured Home Rendition
Account #
Owner Phone #
Mailing Address Email Address
City, State, ZIP
Please print or type
All taxable property in Oklahoma is required to
be rendered to the county assessor between
January 1 and March 15 of each year by the
owner or person in control of such property.
Property rendered after March 15 but before
April 15 shall have a mandatory ten percent
penalty applied. Property rendered after April 15
shall have a twenty percent penalty applied.
continued on page 2
Must Provide Copy of Original Title (if this information has not changed, skip this box)
Manufacturer: ____________________________________ Serial Number/VIN: _____________________________
Year Manufactured: _______________________________ Oklahoma Title Number: _________________________
Length: _________________________ Width: __________________________
Value of Manufactured Home: ____________________________________________
Are you residing in this Manufactured Home?................................................................................. Yes No
Are you or your spouse currently in the military and claiming legal residency in another state? .... Yes No
If yes, please provide proof and contact your tag agent for a tag at the military rate.
Notice - If the manufactured home has been moved or sold, please complete back of page and submit to this ofce immediately.
The manufactured home will remain on the tax rolls with the tax liability under your name until this ofce is provided with the appropriate
documentation of the move or sale. See Back for Details.
Exemption -
Any person sixty-two (62) years of age or older, who is head of household, whose annual gross income did not exceed $22,000
or 50% of the HUD Median Family Income for your county. See your county assessor for the qualifying HUD income. You must complete OTC Form
952 and le with your county assessor. ( See Back for Details.
Assessor Only: Total of Value
to Sign
I the undersigned, afrm and attest, that all information provided and herein contained are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Return to County Assessor by March 15
Total Fair Cash Value ......... $ ___________________
X Assessment _________% ......... $ ___________________
Less Exemptions ......... $ ___________________
Penalty _________% ......... $ ___________________
Net Assessed Value ......... $ ___________________
Other Improvements - Porch, deck, carport, etc.
Type Description
Tax Year
Revised 11-2019
OTC 935-MH
Signature of preparer if other than taxpayer Date
Signature of taxpayer Date
Preparer’s address
Preparer’s identication number Preparer’s phone number
Physical Address of
Manufactured Home:
Manufactured Home Rendition
Manufactured Home Personal Property Exemption
Complete this section ONLY if you no longer OWN the manufactured home you owned last year
Form 935-MH
Page 2
A separate rendition form must be led on each manufactured home: Each manufactured home is assigned an account number, if
you own more than one manufactured, please be sure to match the manufactured home to the assigned account number on the form.
If you no longer own this manufactured home: A manufactured home that has been sold, traded, repossessed,
destroyed by re, ood, etc., please provide the information requested below in order to avoid possible incorrect or
duplicate assessment and tax liens.
To move or change ownership: A 936-R Form must be obtained from the County Assessor. The Department of Public Safety will not
issue a moving permit without this form and current year decal, nor will a title be transferred without this form. This is a requirement to
verify that all manufactured home taxes have all been paid.
To obtain a 936-R Form contact the County Assessor’s ofce in the county where the Manufactured Home is located, and provide the
following information:
To Move - The old and new address and either the name of the land owner or Manufactured Home Park. The taxes for the entire
current year must be paid.
To Change Ownership - New owners name and address and either the land owner or Manufactured Home Park name where the
Home will be located. The taxes for the entire current year must be paid.
Is this mobile home your principal residence?...................................................................... Yes No
Were you living in the home January 1st of this year? ......................................................... Yes No
Do you own land where the manufactured home is located? ............................................... Yes No
If YES: Closing Date: ______________ Book Number: ________________ Page Number: _____________
Age 62 or older? ................................................................................................................... Yes No
Is your household income less than $22,000 or 50% of the HUD Median Family
Income for your county? ....................................................................................................... Yes No
Contact your county assessor for the qualifying HUD income.
This Manufactured Home Was: Sold Repossessed Traded
Destroyed By: Fire Flood Other: _____________________________________________________
Date this Occured: ________________________ (Must have Month and Year)
Person or Company that Took Possession of Manufactured Home:
Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________
Your Signature as Former Owner: ____________________________________
If manufactured home was traded for another manufactured home, please furnish copy of title on new or used manu-
factured home and complete information requested below.
Location of Manufactured Home: ____________________________________________________________________
Street Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
Manufactured Home Park or Land Owner’s Name: ______________________________________________________
Your Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________________________
Manufacturer: ___________________________________ Model: ________________ Size: ________X ________
Identication Number: _____________________________ Title: _____________________ Year Made: ________
Factory Delivered Price ____________________ Year Purchased: _______ Purchase Price: _________________
Central Air: Yes No Deck: _____ X ______ Canopy: ______ X _______ Storage Bldg: ______X ______