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Complete in ALL cases
Details of the party making the oer
Full name
Name of r
(if applicable)
Oeror(‘s legal representative)
Position held
(If signing on behalf
of a rm or company)
Day Month Year
1. This form may be used to settle the whole or part of, or any issue that arises in, a claim, counterclaim, other
additional claim, appeal or cross-appeal. It may also be used to settle detailed costs assessment proceedings.
2. When used to make a Part 36 oer in respect of an appeal, an appellant seeking to settle their appeal should make
a claimant’s oer while a respondent should make a defendant’s oer. [See rule 36.4.]
3. When used to make a Part 36 oer in respect of a counterclaim or other additional claim or a cross-appeal in certain
appeal proceedings:
- the party bringing the counterclaim, additional claim or cross-appeal can make (a) a claimant’s oer on such
counterclaim, additional claim or cross-appeal; or (b) a defendant’s oer on the claim or appeal; and
- the party bringing the original claim or appeal can make (a) a claimant’s oer on such claim or appeal; or
(b) a defendant’s oer on the counterclaim or cross-appeal.
In any case the oeror should make plain whether the oer takes into account any adverse claim. For example,
when making an oer on a claim, state whether it takes into account the counterclaim. Equally when making an
oer on a counterclaim, state whether it takes into account the claim. [See rules 36.2(3), 20.2 & 20.3 in respect of
counterclaims and other additional claims. See rules 36.2(3) and 36.4 in respect of cross-appeals.]
4. When this form is used to make a Part 36 oer in detailed costs assessment proceedings, the receiving party in the
assessment should make a claimant’s oer while the paying party should make a defendant’s oer. [See rule 47.20.]
5. In summary, Part 36 provides that:
- A party making a defendant’s oer is oering something to settle their opponent’s claim, counterclaim,
additional claim, appeal, cross-appeal or costs assessment proceedings and to accept a liability to pay costs.
- A party making a claimant’s oer is oering to accept something to settle their own claim, counterclaim,
additional claim, appeal, cross-appeal or costs assessment proceedings on terms that their opponent pays
their costs.
6. Part 6 of the Civil Procedure Rules makes detailed provision for the service of court documents.