IN THE ____________ COURT OF ____________ COUNTY, TENNESSEE
PART ___
__________________________ )
vs. ) Docket No. _____________
__________________________ )
Based upon the Court’s determination that [ the defendant or plaintiff or witness or victim ] in
this case has a limited ability to understand and/or communicate in English, the Court finds that it is
necessary to appoint a foreign language interpreter pursuant to Tennessee Supreme Court Rule 42.
The court is aware that pursuant to Tenn. Sup. Ct. Rule 42§3(f) it is required to appoint a certified
court interpreter if one is reasonably available. If a court appoints a registered or non-credentialed
interpreter, the court shall summarize the efforts made to obtain a certified or registered interpreter and
the efforts made to determine the capabilities of the non-credentialed interpreter.
Check all that are applicable:
The court has appointed a certified interpreter in this matter.
The court has appointed a registered interpreter in this matter. The following efforts were made
to appoint a certified interpreter:
The court has appointed a non-credentialed interpreter in this matter. The following efforts
were made to appoint a certified or registered interpreter:
and the court determined that the non-credentialed interpreter was qualified to interpret in this case by
completing a voir dire of the interpreter and has determined that the interpreter:
Is not related to the defendant, counsel, witnesses, or any party to this case.
Is impartial.
Can speak both English and the target language.
Can read and write both English and the target languages.
Has completed the following training to qualify as in interpreter:
Has been qualified as an interpreter by another court.
Has experience in simultaneous interpreting.
Has experience in consecutive interpreting.
Understands that as an interpreter he/she must interpret everything, and may not
summarize the testimony.
Has had an opportunity to speak with the defendant(s) or witness (es).
Therefore, the court hereby appoints _______________________________________ who is
a certified registered non-credentialed court interpreter pursuant to Tennessee Supreme Court
Rule 42.
The interpreter will be compensated at the rate of:
$50 per hour as a certified interpreter total fee may not exceed $500.
$40 per hour as a registered interpreter total fee may not exceed $400.
$25 per hour as a non-credentialed interpreter total fee may not exceed $250.
$_________ per hour as an interpreter for a language other than Spanish. The total fee may not
exceed $__________. The court finds that the maximum rates as listed in Supreme Court Rule 42
are inadequate to secure the services of a qualified interpreter in the following language other
than Spanish, _______________ , and finds that the following rates: __________ per hour and a
maximum of ______________ per day, are reasonable rate based on the following findings:
________________________________________________________________________ .
The interpreter must submit an invoice for compensation to the Administrative Office of the
Courts (AOC).
ENTERED this the ____ day of ________________, 20_____.