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There were two members of the public present. Mr J Stride wished to make a statement
regarding Ringwood Loyalty Card Scheme – please see notes attached.
Held on 21
October 2009 at 7.00pm
PRESENT: Cllr J D Heron (Chairman)
Cllr W S Rippon-Swaine (Vice Chairman)
Cllr N J Chard
Cllr N R G Clarke
Cllr L C Ford
Cllr B Woodifield
IN ATTENDANCE: Terry Simpson, Town Clerk
Martin Townsend, Finance Manager
Claire Perrens, Meetings Administrator
Cassie Ware, Student Advisor
Simon Hookins, Student Advisor
Alyson Greenfield, Finance Officer
Cllr Cole
Cllr O’Reilly
Cllr Wiseman
The Chairman welcomed the Student Advisors, Cassie Ware and Simon Hookins.
The Town Clerk reported that apologies for absence had been received from Cllr B Terry and
Cllr Urwin.
Cllr O’Reilly declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Danny Cracknell Pocket Park
(F/4470) as she lives close to the area. She made a statement and left the room, without
taking part in the discussion or decision made.
The Town Mayor, Cllr Ford, declared a personal and prejudicial interest in F/4485 Town
Twinning Advertisement, as a close colleague and friend of the person in question. Cllr Ford
left the room and took no part in the debate or decision made.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 16
September, having been
circulated, be approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
Members considered the Monthly Financial Reports attached to these minutes as Annex ‘A’.
Members also considered the Finance Manager’s report regarding budget and funding
available for the development of Danny Cracknell Pocket Park (please see Annex ‘B’). The
Chairman commented that he had received comments from local people concerned about the
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amount of money to be spent on the Park, especially given the difficult economic climate. The
Town Clerk emphasised that this scheme would not be funded from the Precept. Funding
would be raised mainly from developers’ contributions, which were earmarked for such
purposes; he also stated that if these funds were not spent they could be lost. Improving
access to the Millstream and this area had been a need identified in the Town Plan
consultation process. Cllr Wiseman suggested it should be made clear to residents how the
project would be funded. The Town Clerk said that a Press Release would be issued and
residents invited to view a display of the proposals in the Committee Room.
Cllr O’Reilly declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Danny Cracknell Pocket Park
(F/4470) as she lives close to the area. She made a statement in which she stressed the need
for lighting to avoid antisocial behaviour and that this should be put in place early on, to avoid
vandalism. Cllr O’Reilly left the room, without taking part in the discussion or decision made.
Simon Hookins, Student Advisor, commented that this project, although expensive, would
bring long-term benefits and questioned how much difference lighting would make to the
prevention of vandalism. Cassie Ware also agreed that lighting might not be necessary and
was concerned the lights could be unpopular with local residents. Other Members commented
that the lights would, however, also provide a safer environment for residents. The Town Clerk
commented that the issue of lighting had not been rejected by the Recreation, Leisure & Open
Spaces Committee, but would be investigated separately to avoid delaying the scheme and
losing the offer of funding from the Living Rivers Scheme, which had just been increased from
£8,000 to £10,000.
Cllr Chard requested that he be recorded as voting against the recommendation relating to the
Danny Cracknell Pocket Park.
1) That the list of cheque payments on the Imprest account be authorised. Cllrs
Heron and Rippon-Swaine signed the report.
2) That the list of Petty Cash payments be authorised. Cllrs Heron and Rippon-
Swaine signed the report.
3) That the Statement of Town Council Balances be received and noted.
4) That the Inter Account Transfer be authorised. Cllrs Heron and Rippon-
Swaine signed the report.
5) That the Finance Manager’s report and Summary Budget Reports be
received and noted.
1) That a supplementary estimate of £51,000 for the development of the Danny
Cracknell Pocket Park be approved;
2) That developers’ contributions of £41,000, subject to further discussions
between the Town Clerk and the District Officers, and the increased grant of
£10,000 from Natural England, be used to finance the scheme;
3) That funds for the woodland floor specialist plants, picnic bench and access
track, shown as additional items, be requested from Developers’ Contributions;
4) That funding be sought from Hampshire County Council to enable the bridge to
be refurbished;
5) That at this stage, no additional signage showing the name of the Park be
included in the scheme;
6) That offers from the public to sponsor individual elements of the scheme be
welcomed; and
7) That research into the possibility of lighting in the park be undertaken as a
separate project, in order to avoid delaying implementation of the main
ACTION Martin Townsend / Terry Simpson
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Members considered the report (Annex ‘C’) presented by the Finance Officer. A number of
grants could only be made to a registered charity, so a partner charity would need to be
identified. The Town Mayor proposed that in the Olympic year, 2012, it would be a good idea
to have a large sign to the effect that Ringwood welcomed visitors to the Olympic Games and
promoting the Town (see item 6 of Annex ’C’).
RESOLVED: That the Finance Officer’s report on Capital Projects – Grant Funding, with
proposals for future potential applications for funding of projects, be noted.
MARCH 2009
The Finance Manager reported that the Audit Commission’s certificate had been received for
the Annual Return for the year ended 31
March 2009, and that all relevant legislation and
regulatory requirements had been met. The Audit Commission referred to the internal auditor’s
recommendations, an update report on which would be brought to the November meeting of
this Committee.
RESOLVED: That the report on the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31
March 2009 be
Members considered the Finance Manager’s report attached as Annex ‘D’.
1) That the report on the Financial Strategy attached as Annex ‘D’ be
noted; and
2) That the indicative revenue budget level for 2010/11 be noted; and
3) That each Committee be requested to follow the guidelines (1) to (4) in
paragraph 7.2 in the attached Annex ‘D’ when preparing their budgets
for 2010/11
Members considered the minutes of the meeting of the Ringwood Festival Steering Committee
attached as Annex ‘E’. Members considered appointing a replacement for Cllr Woodifield on
the Steering Committee.
RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Ringwood Festival Steering Committee held on 5
October and the proposals therein, be approved;
RECOMMENDED: That a replacement for Cllr Woodifield be appointed to the Festival
Steering Committee at the Full Council Meeting on 28
ACTION Alyson Greenfield
ACTION Martin Townsend
ACTION Martin Townsend / Chairmen of Committees (No. 3)
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The Committee considered a request from New Forest District Council to nominate a date in
December for one afternoon free parking to encourage Christmas shoppers. The Chairman
suggested the date should coincide with Chamber of Commerce’s Late Night Shopping Day of
Friday 4
RESOLVED: That, subject to the agreement of the Chamber of Commerce, 4
December be
the date nominated for the free car parking trial.
Members considered the District Council’s Independent Remuneration Panel review of the
Allowance Scheme and how this affected the Town Council’s allowances, which were set as a
percentage of District Councillors’ allowances.
RESOLVED: That no special review be requested and members allowances continue to be
determined on the existing basis.
Members considered ownerships and responsibilities for maintenance of street furniture and
features following completion of the scheme for Southampton Road (Annex ‘F’).
RESOLVED: That the ownership and maintenance of the items listed in 1.1 of Annex ‘F’ and
of a standpipe, if this can be included in the scheme, be agreed in principle.
At its July meeting, the Committee had renewed the agreement in respect of PCSOs for a
further two years. At that time, it was understood the fee would continue at the existing level of
£6,000 per annum. The Council had now been notified that the annual costs had increased to
£7,000 per annum. Members were asked to consider whether to authorise continuance of the
agreement at the higher charge. Cllr Rippon-Swaine had received one of the new reports
provided on the PCSOs’ activities and was concerned whether Ringwood was getting value
for its money, in terms of the time spent in the Town by the PCSOs. The Chairman considered
£1,000 to be a large increase, but that it should be supported this year. However, a careful
review should be made before future funding was agreed.
ACTION Sue Godwin
ACTION Terry Simpson
ACTION Terry Simpson
ACTION Jo Stannard
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1) That the agreement for PCSOs be renewed for a period of one year only at
2) That Hampshire Constabulary be advised that the Council is concerned at the
significant increase at a time of low inflation and the manner in which the
increase was notified to the Town Council; and
3) That Hampshire Constabulary be advised that the arrangement will be
reviewed within the one year period to determine whether it should be extended
for a second year.
Members considered the Town Clerk’s report on the Hampshire County Council / Hampshire
Association of Local Council’s questionnaire on the review of the Charter with local Councils
(Annex ‘G’). The Town Clerk felt that the word Charter should be changed to ‘Partnership’.
RECOMMENDED: That the response to the Hampshire County Council / Hampshire
Association of Local Council’s questionnaire as shown in Annex ‘G’ be
New Forest District Council’s survey on accessibility of services was aimed at individuals and
Members were invited to complete this in their personal capacity. However, there were two
general issues within the questionnaire on which the Committee was invited to respond as
representatives of Ringwood residents.
1) That a response be made to Q2) telephone contact, on which the Council has
previously made representations, that improvements should be made to the
telephone answering system; and
2) That a response to Q16) which suggests information can be delivered by post
offices and supermarkets be made that Town and Parish Councils should be
given the opportunity to act as information points before this is offered to post
offices and supermarkets.
Members were invited to attend the National Association of Local Council’s Larger Councils’
Conference and Exhibition on 2
December at the Royal National Hotel, London.
RESOLVED: That no Member be appointed to attend the Conference
ACTION Terry Simpson
ACTION Sue Godwin
ACTION Terry Simpson
ACTION Terry Simpson
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Town councils have no direct responsibilities for the types of care and support issues covered
by this Green Paper; those responsibilities resided with County and Unitary authorities.
However, Members were asked to consider whether, as an important part of their role was to
represent residents’ views at grass roots level on any issues that may affect their well being,
any response should be made (Annex ‘H’ attached).
Cllr Clarke commented that the core issue was how the provision of care would be funded.
The Town Clerk said that in the past there were local warden controlled units to enable people
to look after themselves for longer before needing full care. Such units provided by local
authorities had not been maintained. Cllr Clarke said that ‘care in the home’ was the new
preferred method of care by the Primary Care Trust. Access was a key problem.
RECOMMENDED: That Members be requested to identify responses to be considered by
Full Council on 28
Members considered whether a CGR relating to Boundaries and Electoral Arrangements was
required for Ringwood.
RECOMMENDED: That a Community Governance Review be not requested.
RESOLVED: That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it
was advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily
excluded and they were instructed to withdraw (Annex 'I' attached).
The Town Mayor, Cllr Ford, declared a personal and prejudicial interest in F/4485 Town
Twinning Advertisement, as a close colleague and friend of the person in question. Cllr Ford
left the room and took no part in the debate or decision made. Cllr Ford left the meeting at
The Town Clerk updated Members on action taken with regards the incorrect publication of
the date of the Twinning Meeting in a local newspaper. A further letter had been received from
the newspaper to the effect that it was not prepared to meet the Town Council’s requests and
a request had been received under the Freedom of Information Act for further information.
RESOLVED: That the response from the newspaper be noted and the Town Clerk
be instructed to proceed in the manner determined at the Committee Meeting
on 16
September (Minute F/4465 refers)
ACTION Terry Simpson
ACTION Terry Simpson
ACTION Terry Simpson
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There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm.
Note: The text in the Action Boxes above does not form part of these minutes.
October 2009
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Annex ‘B’
1.1 The Recreation, Leisure and Open Spaces Committee at its meeting on 7
recommended that the scheme for the development of the Danny Cracknell Pocket Park at
a cost of £51,000, subject to further discussions between the Town Clerk and officers of the
New Forest District Council regarding funding, be approved. The initial estimated cost was
£51,000, but Natural England would provide £8,000 and meet the cost of interpretation
boards, as part of the Living Rivers Scheme, bringing the cost down to £43,000.
1.2 A number of additional items had been separately costed, and, if required and if funding
could be obtained, needed to be added:
 Woodland floor specialist plants (could involve community in bulb planting day) £5,000-
 Picnic bench £1,850
 Access Track for local Farmer (to prevent erosion) £1,800
 Signage (depending on whether a simple sign or sculptural piece) £500-£5,000
 Bridge refurbishment £5,000-£10,000 (as the bridge was owned by Hampshire County
Council, funding would be sought from them).
2.1 The capital budget for the Bickerley/Pocket Park, £35,000, was deleted from the original
budget for 2009/10. The scheme was expected to be financed from developers
contributions held by New Forest District Council, and would, therefore, be cost neutral.
2.2 Consideration needs to be given to re-instate this scheme but at the amended estimated
cost of £51,000. As Natural England would give £10,000 towards the cost, the balance
of £41,000 is expected to be financed from developers’ contributions.
2.3 A further report will be submitted in the first instance to the Recreation, Leisure and
Open Spaces Committee, if funding is required for the additional items in paragraph 1.2
above .
3.1 To enable this scheme to proceed, this Committee needs to approve a supplementary
estimate and funding, as shown in recommendations 4.1 and 4.2.
3.2 This Committee supports the recommendation of the Recreation, Leisure and Open
Spaces Committee for the development of the Danny Cracknell Pocket Park, and the
further recommendations 4.3 to 4.7, relating to the items in paragraph 1.2 above.
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It is recommended that:
1) a supplementary estimate of £51,000 for the development of the Danny Cracknell
Pocket Park be approved;
2) developers’ contributions of £43,000, subject to further discussions between the
Town Clerk and the District Officers, and grant of £8,000 from Natural England,
be used to finance the scheme.
3) funds for the woodland floor specialist plants, picnic bench and access track,
shown as additional items, be requested from Developers’ Contributions;
4) funding be sought from Hampshire County Council to enable the bridge to be
5) at this stage, no additional signage showing the name of the Park be included in
the scheme;
6) That offers from the public to sponsor individual elements of the scheme be
For further information please contact:
Terry Simpson, Town Clerk
Tel: 01425 473883
Email: terry.simpson@ringwood.gov.uk
Martin Townsend, Finance Manager
Tel: 01425 473883
Email: martin.townsend@ringwood.gov.uk
Annex 'C'
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Annex ‘D’
1.1 Over the last few years the Council has adopted the use of expenditure plans, for
both revenue and capital expenditure, in its budget making process.
1.2 With the Town Plan having been completed and the compilation of a new ‘wish
list’ of expenditure items/projects being drawn up, this Committee should
consider what guidelines should be recommended to Council in formulating a
financial strategy over the medium term period i.e. four years.
2.1 The Council’s net budgets and council tax levels for the last three years have
been as follows:-
2.2 The net budgets for each of these years has included a transfer from the general
2.3 Any new capital expenditure financed directly from the revenue budget will
impact on the Council Tax level.
2.4 Contributions to or from the general reserve will continue to have a direct effect
on the Council Tax.
3.1 Capital expenditure may be financed from a variety of sources. These include:-
(1) Capital Receipts: from the sale or disposal of existing capital assets.
(2) Developers Contributions: collected by New Forest District Council and paid
over to this Council for specifically identified capital expenditure schemes.
(3) Provisions: created as a charge to the Revenue Account in the first instance,
but then used to finance specific capital expenditure such as plant and
(4) Grant: some capital expenditure that meets laid down criteria can be financed
from grants. The grants awarded shall not usually exceed 50% of the
expenditure, resulting in the Council having to meet the shortfall from other
sources of finance.
(5) Loan: the Council can apply to the appropriate Secretary of State for a
borrowing approval. The maximum loan that the Council would be authorised
to borrow would normally be limited to £500,000, in any single year for any
single purpose. The repayment of the loan, both interest and principal, would
become a revenue account charge each year until the loan is repaid.
(6) Revenue: a charge to the revenue account in the year the expenditure is
2007/08 2008/09 2009/10
Net Budget
320,790 350,080 376,930
Council Tax
64.66 69.19
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3.2 All capital expenditure schemes must be financially appraised to ensure the full
revenue account budget implications are known before any commitment to a
scheme is made.
4.1 The Council currently operates with a General Fund balance of between £150,000
to £200,000. The estimated balance at 31 March 2010 is about £117,000, some
£33,000 under the prudential lower financial limit. As the last two budgets have
included using about £60,000 from the general reserve, further use of this reserve
would compromise the Council’s current limit. Consideration should be given to
restoring the level to at least £150,000.
5.1 The level of interest earnings has fallen from £19,000 in 2008/09 to a revised
estimate of £3,500 for 2009/10. The current prediction is for interest rates to rise to
2% over the next two years and possibly remain at this level for a further two years.
Therefore, the Council will not be able to rely on this source of income when
determining its budgets.
6.1 The budget for 2009/10, before transferring £15,380 from the General Reserve, was
£392,310. The table below shows the actual budget and Council Tax for 2009/10 and
the forecast budget levels and Council Tax levels from 2010/11 to 2013/14, after
allowing for inflation (2%), after deducting the non-recurring expenditure items
included in the base budget for 2009/10 (£23,630), no transfers to or from the
General Reserve, and no new bids, i.e. the Council’s base budget:-
6.2 Due to the very small amount of permitted domestic development in Ringwood, the
base on which the Council Tax is calculated remains almost static. Unlike other large
town councils that would normally have some domestic growth this Council must
absorb inflationary and any growth increases in its static base. The Council Tax level
would increase from 2009/10 by 1% for approximately every £3,800 increase in the
net revenue budget. Therefore, a net budget of £397,000 would result in a Council
Tax of about £72.65, an increase of 5%.
7 EXPENDITURE PLANS 2010/11 TO 2013/14
7.1 All Members have already been requested to submit new budget expenditure and
income generation items for 2010/11 to 2013/14.
7.2 This Committee now needs to give guidelines on the indicative revenue budget level
for 2010/11. To achieve this budget level the guidelines should include the following,
which Committees should follow when considering their budgets for 2010/11:-
(1) Identify any essential and mandatory revenue expenditure/income bids.
(2) Identify other revenue expenditure/income bids and rank them in order, with no. 1
being the highest ranking.
Budget £376,93 £385,000 £385,500 £393,500 £401,500
Council Tax £69.19 £70.38 £70.48 £71.94 £73.40
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(3) All capital expenditure bids must be assessed, and show how each one will be
financed. Those that will be financed fully or partly from revenue must be
prioritised with the other revenue expenditure bids.
(4) Identify savings in existing revenue budgets and indicate the effect on the
8.1 By providing indicative revenue expenditure levels over the medium term period, the
Council will provide more stability to its financial planning. In the event that significant
changes are made to the services provided by the Council, the financial effects on
the budget will have to be assessed at the appropriate time.
8.2 By ranking each new revenue expenditure bid, and the revenue effect of each capital
expenditure bid, this Committee will be able to decide which bids it will recommend to
Council to include in the budget for 2010/11, and which ones to consider for future
It is RECOMMENDED that this Committee:-
9.1 determines the indicative revenue budget level for 2010/11,
9.2 requests each Committee to follow the guidelines (1) to (4) in paragraph 7.2 above
when preparing their budgets for 2010/11.
For further information please contact:
Martin Townsend, Finance Manager
Tel: 01425 473883
Email: martin.townsend@ringwood.gov.uk
Terry Simpson, Town Clerk
Tel: 01425 473883
Email: terry.simpson@ringwood.gov.uk
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Annex ‘E’
PRESENT: Cllr B Terry (Chairman), Cllr N Chard, C Polton, J Stride, P Allis, P Alvis,
C Lockyer, N Guy, H Wardle, J Muir-Webb, L Wickens, J Wickens
IN ATTENDANCE : T Simpson, Town Clerk, S Godwin, PA to Town Clerk/Mayor
1. APOLOGIES: Cllr C Ford, D Cracknell, A Osborne, H Cox, K Morrison, K Davis
(Forest Forge)
The Chairman welcomed the new members present and brief introductions were
Cllr Woodifield had notified her intention to resign from the Committee due to
pressure of work. The Town Clerk would seek a replacement for her at the next Full
Council meeting.
ACTION: Terry Simpson
The Minutes of the 8
June, having been circulated, were agreed.
Cllr Brian Terry was elected Chairman.
Cllr Neville Chard was elected Vice-Chairman.
The financial statement dated 8
September 2009 was received and noted. Terry
Simpson confirmed that that a deficit had been made this year, and suggested that
this was partly due to less donations being received in a difficult economic climate,
coupled with increased expenditure.
AGREED that the financial report be approved.
The Committee had previously agreed that any surplus from the Festival should be
allocated to its two chosen charities, Ringwood Day Care Centre and 2515 ATC
(Ringwood & Fordingbridge). Unfortunately, the Festival this year had made a loss
of £1,511 despite one or two events recording a profit. However, when the financial
situation had been reported to the Town Council’s Policy & Finance Committee, that
Committee had agreed to meet certain items of expenditure which would allow the
sum of £789 to be allocated to Festival Committee to divide between its chosen
AGREED that £789 be divided between Ringwood Day Care Centre and 2515 ATC
(Ringwood & Fordingbridge)
ACTION: Sue Godwin
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a) Golf
It was noted that a surplus of almost £1,700 had been achieved by the golf
tournaments in May and July. Terry Simpson explained that the May golf
tournament had traditionally started in order to provide a donation to one of Danny
Cracknell’s chosen local charities. It was now called the Danny Cracknell Memorial
tournament and his family may wish to take this event over which would enable them
to allocate any profit to one of the charities Danny had sought to support. It was
noted that this would result in a significant reduction of income to the Festival funds.
ACTION: Committee for further discussion
b) Rock Concert
Pete Alvis reported that only a few people turned out for the concert due to the
persistent rain. He suggested that the better venue would have been the Market
Place where some traders had pledged to support it. However, he had encountered
too many obstacles for this to be achieved. Subsequently, he had carried out a
survey in Ringwood regarding future rock concert events which resulted in the
majority stating that they did not approve of the financial cost of the Rock Concert
and were not interested in supporting it in any way. The student advisors said that
they thought young people would go to the event as long as it wasn’t raining and if it
was the best attraction that evening.
It was noted that members thought that the Rock Concert was a worthwhile event
and Pete was thanked by the Chairman for all the hard work he had put into
organising it again. After some discussion, Pete confirmed that he would be
prepared to organise a concert next year if certain criteria could be met.
ACTION: Committee for further discussion
c) It’s a Knockout. It was generally felt that the expenditure and the amount of effort
put into organising this was not justified due to the small number of spectators,
although it was agreed that those taking part seemed to enjoy it. This scenario had
also been noted in previous years.
d) Concours d’Elegance. Cliff Polton reported that this had been a success, with
more interest being generated from new entrants wishing to take part in the PCGP
and he was pleased to note a good deal of enthusiasm in general.
e) Classical Concert. The Chairman drew the Committee’s attention to Cllr Thierry’s
note. A discussion ensued and it was generally felt that the two musical events were
of such differing natures to not cause a problem. Members were informed that
Ringwood & Burley Band were performing at a town centre venue on the same
evening. Subsequently, Terry Simpson had spoken to a band member who assured
him that they would not book a similar event next year in the town on Festival
f) Catering. Unfortunately, due to the very inclement weather, the caterers had very
poor trade compared to the previous year. It was noted that the caterers had made
a monetary contribution towards Festival for the benefit of having an outlet on
Festival Day.
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g) Crowning of Princesses. It was reported that the two Princesses looked lovely
and were not perturbed by the rain in having photographs taken with the Town
h) Charity Stalls. It was noted that some twenty nine stalls had taken part, despite
the inclement weather, and although they were down on takings this year, overall
they still raised £1,591 jointly. No adverse comments had been received by the
Town Council and all seemed to take part in good spirit, making the most of it.
i) Festival Entertainment. Members made positive comments regarding the
entertainment, although it was noted that the childrens’ rides were only used by a
few children due to the rain and very few children were in fact in the Market Place
where the rides were located.
j) Publicity.
AGREED that publicity needed to be improved next year, although the event had
been publicised fairly widely in the town itself, particularly in the local press, it
needed to reach a wider audience. Both the day events and Rock Concert in the
evening were badly affected by the wet weather and it was felt that this greatly
contributed to the lack of support of the events.
8. 2010 FESTIVAL
Discussion took place about the focus of the 2010 Festival, which centred around
whether to include the Festival Day entertainment at all or just have the charity
stalls, perhaps located elsewhere such as Southampton Road near Mansfield Road
or on the Bickerley instead of the Market Place; proposals for the May and July golf
tournaments; ‘ It’s a Knockout’, the Classical Concert and the Rock Concert. Various
locations including The Bickerley, the Market Square and Carvers were discussed.
Cliff reported that he had already started the publicity campaign for the PCGP, as
they had entered a float into Carnival last month launching the 2010 event. Ways of
obtaining sponsorship and marketing were discussed, including selling advertising,
bringing radio and t.v. into the equation and using various internet media to promote
the event. It was suggested that a much wider area be included in the marketing of
the Festival. Bearing this in mind, the Committee were reminded that this would
mean all Members volunteering for a task.
Paul Aliss and Jim Stride discussed a plan of action, which included raising the
profile of the Festival. Amongst suggestions put forward were to invite a person
from each of the charities taking part in the street market to serve on the Committee,
to make maximum use of local radio media such as Wave 105 and even local
television. He said that PCGP had made a donation to Wave’s charity ‘Cash for
Kids’ last year. Jim suggested that once decisions on these various items had been
reached, the Committee then needed to produce packages to bring them to fruition
as quickly as possible. Also, it was suggested that we have inputs to the school
committees and obtain feedback from the student advisors.
Jeff Wickens pointed out that in the past Ringwood Rocks only required a Temporary
Event Licence as no more than 500 people at any one time would be present, but a
full Entertainment Licence would be required if that changed.
Cllr Brian Terry left the meeting at 19.10 hrs and Cllr Neville Chard took the Chair.
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Further discussion took place about whether the Festival in 2010 should just be a
PCGP and a charity market, the latter which may benefit from being as near to the
main car park as possible. It was noted that a full road closure would be required in
any case for the PCGP.
In order that further consideration could be given to the Ringwood Rocks event, Pete
Alvis offered to bring a powerpoint presentation to the next meeting.
9. A.O.B. – nothing further.
10. Date of Next Meeting
Monday 2
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Annex ‘F’
Southampton Road Environmental Improvements
Ownership and Maintenance
1. Set out below is the project team's understanding of the likely extent of ownerships
and responsibilities for maintenance following completion of the Southampton Road
Environmental Improvements scheme:
1.1 Ringwood Town Council
Plant containers, any shrubs and small trees planted in containers and shrubs
planted in the ground where associated with the footway entrance from Meeting
House Lane into Southampton Road (adjacent to 33A Southampton Road), seats,
noticeboard, any art works and any electrical equipment for use during special
Note – any planting will be maintained by the planting contractor for the first 12
months, and if the Town Council is willing to take on watering after that time and the
usual litter removal and weeding, together with any minor pruning of ground cover
plants (and perhaps the addition of some spring and summer bedding if wanted) then
the Highway Arboriculturalist will undertake to replace trees when necessary; this
could be after a period of some 5-10 years from planting, dependant on
species, climate etc.
1.2 New Forest District Council
Litter bins and lighting in The Close.
1.3 Hampshire County Council
Lighting in Southampton Road, cycle racks, bollards, regulatory signage, pedestrian
fingerpost signage, barrier railings, highway paving and trees planted in the ground
(if any).
2. The project team is asking for approval in principle by the Town Council to accept
both ownership and maintenance responsibility for each of the items listed above.
3. The project team will also look to provide a standpipe to assist with watering and for
use at any special events. If an above-ground watering point can be provided, it will
need to be inside a lockable, insulated unit; another option is to provide an
underground watering point, but this would need the Town Council to provide a hose,
and is perhaps less likely to be used easily. Provision and location will be discussed
with the design engineer. Until it has been properly investigated and costed, there is
no guarantee that this can be included in the scheme.
4. It is RECOMMENDED that Members consider agreeing in principle to accept
ownership and maintenance of the items listed in 1.1 and of a standpipe if provision
can be included in the scheme.
Downloaded And Printed From The Ringwood Town Council Website
For further information, contact:
Mrs Jo Stannard
Deputy Town Clerk
01425 473883 or jo.stannard@ringwood.gov.uk
Annex ?
Hampshire County Council – Questionnaire on review of Charter with local Councils
1. Hampshire County Council is working with the Hampshire Association of Local
Councils (HALC) on a review of the ‘Charter’ that has existed between local Councils
and the County Councils since 2005. The original Charter recognised common
objectives and set out the guiding principles for working together.
2. Much has changed since the original Charter was prepared and the County has
agreed to work with the HALC Executive on two parallel pieces of work that relate to
the Charter:-
a) To review the formal agreement and arrangements with HALC and
b) To consider whether there also needs to be any formalised partnership
framework between the County Council and local Councils themselves.
3. In order to enable the County and HALC to determine a way forward, they have
jointly issued a Questionnaire seeking local Councils’ views on future arrangements.
4. Attached as an Appendix is the questionnaire received from the County Council and
HALC, incorporating suggested responses as discussed with the Chairman of the
5. In general, the responses have been based on trying to ensure that good
communication channels are opened between all tiers of local Government and, in
particular, that the County Council keeps local Councils fully informed of proposals
that affect the areas of individual local Councils. The questionnaire also seeks
information on powers which the Town Council might wish to have devolved from the
County Council (see question 7). Whilst the Town Council has always indicated that
services should be delivered as close to the people as possible, it must be
recognised that in general terms most of the County Council services need to be
organised across a wide area and/or need highly specialised and trained staff to
deliver effective services. Therefore, the list of items it is suggested might be
considered for devolvement to the Town Council is very short. These are believed to
be those that can be delivered more effectively locally without any increase in costs.
In that connection, Members should know that the County has indicated that it would
discuss financial arrangements in relation to any services that are devolved.
6. Members are asked to consider the questionnaire and approve a response for
submission to Hampshire County Council and Hampshire Association of Local
For further information, please contact:
Terry Simpson
Town Clerk, Ringwood Town Council, ‘Greenways’, 71 Christchurch Road, Ringwood
Hants, BH24 1DH
Tel: 01425 473883 E-mail: Town.Council@ringwood.gov.uk
Annex 'G'
Page 1
Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
This questionnaire is to help Hampshire County Council determine how it can better work in partnership
with the local councils of Hampshire.
The County Council wants to understand whether developing an Accord directly with local councils
would be a positive step and to help this, understanding the relationship now and ideas for the future
are important. However, there are two things we want to be clear about in doing this:
1) We cannot promise it will be possible to provide or offer what is asked.
2) There is no expectation that all Councils will want to operate the same way or that they should be
expected to. It is understood that answers will be very different and that is ok.
Page 3
Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
4. What is the role of your council? Please help us to understand what you
believe the primary role(s) of your council is. Please tick as many options
below as you would identify as being the role of your council and identify
whether you see them as a priority.
Low priority
Medium priority
High priority
To make sure local
needs are listened to
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
To provide local
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
To communicate with
local people about
services & support
available to them
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
To consult local people
on planning
applications in order To
advise the planning
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
To act as an additional
interface between local
people and other tiers
of government
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
To deliver very local
services to the
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
To improve quality of
life for local people
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
To communicate with
local people about
what is happening
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
To know how to solve
local problems
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Other (please specify role and priority rating)
To encourage democratic engagement - High
To involve young people in Council decision making processes -
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Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
5. What factors are important in delivering your role? In order to look at
how we could better work in partnership it would help us to understand
what you see the focus of your role to be. Please tick the following factors
and activities you believe are important to enable you as a Council to carry
out your role well.
Holding regular meetings
Having a clerk with appropriate time available
Having a clerk with the right skills
Good communication channels from & to your residents
Having a good website with the information / forms that are regularly requested
Other (please specify)
Receiving timely information from the County Council on matters
of general interest to residents and businesses in the town.
Meetings rarely achieve this.
Having the opportunity to comment on matters affecting the town
with realistic timescales to formulate a considered response.
Having sufficient confidence that the County will give full and
proper consideration to any views expressed.
Page 5
Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
When we need to find out what you and local people think about an issue we are considering, we need
to be clear from your perspective how best to achieve this and what you feel your role should be.
1. Please tick how and whether you would want to be consulted on the
following issues and feel free to add other topics that apply.
2. When new topics come up do you have any ideas about how we could
work out the best way to consult you in a realistic timescale (i.e. 3 months)?
Via your District
Directly via
Directly via post
Dont mind
Dont want to
be consulted
Highways issues &
gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc
Local planning
gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc
Agreeing a process (i.e.
how would you want us
to do something)
gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc
Identifying local
gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc
Feeding into
partnership priorities
(i.e. Local Area
Agreement or a
Community Strategy)
gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc gfedc
Any other opics? (Please specify)
The County Council's remit is so wide that it is difficult to list all items. But the general philosophy
should be that where a decision or action is likely to have an effect on the town or a number of persons
in it, then consideration must be given to at least informing the Town Council of that matter.
For major policy issues 3 months seems sensible. For individual issues 4-6 weeks is usually
sufficient to enable the matter to be placed before Councillors at a meeting.
Page 6
Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
3. Would you be willing and able to work with your local County Councillor to
act as a hub for consultation on behalf of the County on issues with local
Yes: able and willing
Yes: willing but not sure how
Willing but do not have the capacity
Not willing
Depends upon the issue
Please add any comments that will help us understand your answer
As the largest town in the south west corner of the County, the Town Council willingly accepts that
it should act as a hub to channel local views into the County's decision making processes.
Page 7
Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
There will be times when you want to communicate with the County Council and we would like to gain a
better understanding of how this would best work for you. There are several elements to this, all of
which are open questions.
1. In what ways is communication with the County Council working well or
improving? tell us what you want us to continue or do more of?
2. Are there any particular sections of the County Council that you feel
communication is good with (departments/bodies/structures/functions,
3. Are there any particular sections of the County Council that you feel are
particularly poor or difficult to communicate with?
(departments/bodies/structures/functions, etc.)
4. What would you want or expect from your local County Councillor in
terms of communication and support?
Highways & Passenger Transport communication is good. But this is not always achieved across
all services. County ought to adopt common protocol for all services.
Highways Department at Jacobs Gutter Lane is generally good.
Paperwork is exchanged, but we have doubts whether the communication is effective, for
example local Councillors are aware of needs of townspeople and yet views expressed
are over ridden particularly when it comes to the south east Plan & Community
strategies. Consultation/communication is pointless if views expressed are ignored.
It is important for the local County Councillor to keep the Town Council abreast with current
issues affecting the town. This is achieved through his report to the monthly Council
Page 8
Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
5. Please tick which local issues are critical for you to be able to have quick
contact with the County Council about.
Not critical
Fairly critical
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Road safety
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
nmlkj nmlkj nmlkj
Please specify what other local issues
Highway maintenance and defects (includes highway footpaths) - Critical
Highway flooding - Critical
Street lighting - Critical
Page 10
Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
Earlier you told us what you are seeking to achieve and in the factors that are important to success. We
would like to know if there are any ways we could help.
1. What may be helpful in supporting you to undertake these activities
2. Could we provide any incentives that would help?
3. What barriers need to be overcome?
4. Is there any potential for you to work together with other adjacent local
councils on the following?
Purchasing equipment
gfedc gfedc
Sharing a clerk
gfedc gfedc
Jointly contracting
gfedc gfedc
Jointly funding an
Accredited Community
Safety Officer post
dedicated to your area
gfedc gfedc
Sharing a responsible
finance officer
gfedc gfedc
Other (please specify)
Provision of timely information and early consultation where appropriate.
Confidence that any views expressed will be taken seriously and not air brushed at the
first opportunityl
The perception that the County does not really want to inform or consult and that views expressed
will not be considered seriously.
a) Provision of information on public services. Yes
b) Responding to consultation papers. Yes
c) Community Transport schemes Yes
Page 11
Hampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local CouncilsHampshire Local Councils
Before you start this section we want you to be very clear about two things:
1) We know that the things below are not things all Councils are willing or able to consider.
2) We cannot promise we will be able to do any of the things you may request. We are just seeking to
know how the land lies with you in terms of your interest and aspirations.
We are asking because we want to know if there are any areas where your council would like us to
consider delegating activities or responsibilities to you IF the right safeguards and financial arrangements
could be put in place. We are aware that arrangements already differ across the county so you may
even already be doing some of this. The following questions are to get an overall feel.
1. Which of the services that are normally delivered by the County Council
would you like us to consider devolving to you to deliver (i.e. give you to do
on our behalf)?
2. Which of the services the County Council delivers would you want to have
a stronger advisory role on?
1. Registration of births and deaths
2. Issue of various permits and licenses of a local nature
3. Certain youth services ie. youth clubs
Land use policies
Highway improvement schemes
Downloaded And Printed From The Ringwood Town Council Website
AT 7.00 PM
During the public participation session, Mr James Stride spoke on the Ringwood Loyalty Card
Scheme which he set up originally to entice people to come to Ringwood in December 2008. By
the time of the launch in March 2009, around 70 traders had signed up.
There was extensive press and TV coverage. Bournemouth Echo promoted the vouchers
heavily, but due to the credit crunch were unable to continue providing free advertising space
for more than 3 months. He was now working with Deborah Holmes, and wished to launch a
new Ringwood Loyalty Scheme – involving a credit card style loyalty card.
The initial response indicated this would be even more popular with traders and he expected
50-60 traders to sign up. They would need to cover the costs of cards – possibly through
advertising on the backs. He was looking to launch the scheme in January 2010. He would be
investigating other local loyalty schemes to avoid unnecessary competition, eg Furlong, New
Cllr Wiseman asked about the cost of signing up. The initial scheme was free, but the new one
might cost £20-£30 to cover administration/website – especially if sponsors for the printing of
the cards could be found.
The Chairman asked whether they were working with the Chamber of Commerce. Mr Stride had
invited them to become involved, but although supporting it, the Chamber was not currently
actively involved. Cassie Ware (Student Advisor) asked how the cards would be obtained; this
would be via the participating shops.
She also suggested some outlets and a promotional website called Vista. The Chairman
suggested Members should consider if they wished to support the scheme at a future Meeting.
He thanked Mr Stride for his time and the effort he had put in to the schemes.