Downloaded And Printed From The Ringwood Town Council Website
amount of money to be spent on the Park, especially given the difficult economic climate. The
Town Clerk emphasised that this scheme would not be funded from the Precept. Funding
would be raised mainly from developers’ contributions, which were earmarked for such
purposes; he also stated that if these funds were not spent they could be lost. Improving
access to the Millstream and this area had been a need identified in the Town Plan
consultation process. Cllr Wiseman suggested it should be made clear to residents how the
project would be funded. The Town Clerk said that a Press Release would be issued and
residents invited to view a display of the proposals in the Committee Room.
Cllr O’Reilly declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Danny Cracknell Pocket Park
(F/4470) as she lives close to the area. She made a statement in which she stressed the need
for lighting to avoid antisocial behaviour and that this should be put in place early on, to avoid
vandalism. Cllr O’Reilly left the room, without taking part in the discussion or decision made.
Simon Hookins, Student Advisor, commented that this project, although expensive, would
bring long-term benefits and questioned how much difference lighting would make to the
prevention of vandalism. Cassie Ware also agreed that lighting might not be necessary and
was concerned the lights could be unpopular with local residents. Other Members commented
that the lights would, however, also provide a safer environment for residents. The Town Clerk
commented that the issue of lighting had not been rejected by the Recreation, Leisure & Open
Spaces Committee, but would be investigated separately to avoid delaying the scheme and
losing the offer of funding from the Living Rivers Scheme, which had just been increased from
£8,000 to £10,000.
Cllr Chard requested that he be recorded as voting against the recommendation relating to the
Danny Cracknell Pocket Park.
1) That the list of cheque payments on the Imprest account be authorised. Cllrs
Heron and Rippon-Swaine signed the report.
2) That the list of Petty Cash payments be authorised. Cllrs Heron and Rippon-
Swaine signed the report.
3) That the Statement of Town Council Balances be received and noted.
4) That the Inter Account Transfer be authorised. Cllrs Heron and Rippon-
Swaine signed the report.
5) That the Finance Manager’s report and Summary Budget Reports be
received and noted.
1) That a supplementary estimate of £51,000 for the development of the Danny
Cracknell Pocket Park be approved;
2) That developers’ contributions of £41,000, subject to further discussions
between the Town Clerk and the District Officers, and the increased grant of
£10,000 from Natural England, be used to finance the scheme;
3) That funds for the woodland floor specialist plants, picnic bench and access
track, shown as additional items, be requested from Developers’ Contributions;
4) That funding be sought from Hampshire County Council to enable the bridge to
be refurbished;
5) That at this stage, no additional signage showing the name of the Park be
included in the scheme;
6) That offers from the public to sponsor individual elements of the scheme be
welcomed; and
7) That research into the possibility of lighting in the park be undertaken as a
separate project, in order to avoid delaying implementation of the main
ACTION Martin Townsend / Terry Simpson