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Ringwood Town Council
Ringwood Gateway,The Furlong, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1AT
Tel: 01425 473883
Dear Member 23
July 2020
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Town Council to be held on 29
2020 at 7.00pm.
Mr C Wilkins
Town Clerk
Ringwood Town Council is committed to transparency in its decision-making processes.
The current crisis prevents the holding of physical meetings but insofar as it is possible and
in accordance with Government Regulations, this meeting will take place in a virtual
environment using the “Zoom” technology. The meeting will start in Zoom at 6.45pm.
Councillors are encouraged to join in good time ready for a start of the meeting proper at
7.00pm In the event of difficulty joining please contact Chris Wilkins, Town Clerk on (01425)
484720 or by sending an email to
. Members of the press or
public who would like to participate or simply observe the meeting will need to tell us in
advance by contacting Chris Wilkins, Town Clerk by no later than 12noon on Tuesday 28th
July 2020 and will then receive an email explaining how you to participate or observe.
There will be an opportunity for public participation for a period of up to 15 minutes at
the start of the meeting
2. To receive Apologies for Absence
3. To receive Declarations of Interest
4. To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Meetings held on 25
June 2020
5. To receive Minutes of Committees and approve recommendations contained therein:
Recreation, Leisure & Open Spaces DATE :- 1
July 2020
Planning, Town & Environment DATE:- 3
July 2020
Policy & Finance DATE:- 15
July 2020
F/5818 Revised Budget To consider and, subject to any amendments, approve the
revised budget 2020/21.
To consider a response to District Council community engagement about the impact
of COVID-19 on our community (see questionnaire)
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To consider a proposal to accelerate the closure of the junction of West Street with
the A31 and to apply to Hampshire County Council and New Forest District Council
for the required works to be funded from the emergency funds at their disposal
(Report A)
To receive a verbal report from the appointed representative to the Steering Group
for this project
9. To receive such communications as the Town Mayor may desire to lay before the
Council(Councillors are reminded that no decision taking may take place as a result
of this item)
10. To Receive Reports from Ringwood Town Councillors and Student Advisors
(Councillors are reminded that no decision taking may take place as a result of this
11. To receive Reports from County and District Councillors (Councillors are reminded
that no decision taking may take place as a result of this item)
12. Forthcoming Meetings to note the following dates:
Recreation, Leisure & Open Spaces 7.00pm Wednesday 2
September 2020
Planning, Town & Environment 10.00am Friday 7
August & 4
Policy & Finance 7.00pm Wednesday 16
September 2020
Staffing Committee 7.00pm Wednesday 23
September 2020
Full Council 7.00pm Wednesday 30
September 2020
Council Members: Student Advisors:
Chairman: Cllr Tony Ring, Town Mayor
Vice-Chairman: Cllr Philip Day, Deputy Mayor
Cllr Andy Briers
Cllr Gareth DeBoos
Cllr Hilary Edge
Cllr Rae Frederick
Cllr John Haywood
Cllr Jeremy Heron
Cllr Peter Kelleher
Cllr Darren Loose
Cllr Gloria O’Reilly
Cllr Steve Rippon-Swaine
Cllr Glenys Turner
Community Engagement
Questionnaire for Town and Parish Council’s
Name of Town/Parish Council:
1. What has been the impact of COVID-19 on your community and the services you provide?
3. What do you understand to be the key issues now for your community?
5. Are there any risks or issues that you can foresee arising?
7. Is there anything you have learnt due to the impact of COVID-19?
2. How have you responded to the impact?
4. As lockdown eases how are your communities’ requirements changing?
6. What are your plans to respond to these risks or issues?
8. What support do you or your community need to recover from COVID-19? (not necessarily financial)
In response to COVID-19, New Forest District Council is keen to work in partnership to support our residents and
communities to recover from its impact. The council has set up a Task and Finish Group for Community Engagement to
undertake an Impact Assessment. Within this group we have five themes to understand the impact on:
1. Frontline Support and those most in need.
2. Community Safety and Wellbeing.
3. Communities, Families and Young People.
4. Arts and Cultural Activities.
5. Physical Activities and local sports and leisure clubs.
The aims of the group are:
To understand and assess the overall impact of COVID-19 on our communities.
To identify and respond to concerns within local communities.
To support local initiatives with recovery in local communities.
To understand and engage with marginalised groups and communities.
To foster positive community relations through partnership working.
We are contacting numerous organisations and all Town and Parish council’s and ask that you take a few minutes to answer
the following questions. Please consider your experience and give consideration to all five themes when answering.
JU LY 201 9
Thank you for filling in this form @newforestdc newforestgov
July 2020
Re-opening High Streets Safely Fund
1. Introduction and reason for report
1.1 New Forest District Council, has invited proposals from town and parish
councils for local schemes which can be considered for inclusion in its
Action Plan for use of its share of the Re-opening High Streets Safely
Fund. Some initial ideas were considered by the Policy & Finance
Committee when it met on 17
June (see minute ref. F/5809). A further
decision is needed from members now.
2. Background information and options
2.1 The first element of the proposal put to committee was for ‘Be Alert’ packs
(containing materials designed to help local businesses to re-open safely)
to be quickly assembled and made available to those businesses free of
charge. It is understood that this element meets the eligibility criteria for
this funding and is likely to be included in the Action Plan. Ringwood
Surplus Store kindly assembled the packs and facilitated their distribution
at cost. Several councillors have also helped with the design and the
distribution arrangements.
2.2 The second element involved physical changes to the roads, pavements
and traffic flow designed to create more space for pedestrians to queue
and move about safely whilst observing social distancing requirements.
This was referred to Hampshire Highways who sent an engineer to visit
the town and advise on options.
2.3 The engineer advised that the management of traffic by volunteers was
unlikely to be practical (because of the training and equipment needs) or
supported by HCC. He suggested that both the volume and speed of the
vehicular traffic would probably reduce if the West Street/A31 junction
were to be closed. He did not rule out other measures to restrict the traffic
flow (e.g. arranging a ‘one-way’ system along High Street and Meeting
House Lane) but felt that any such attempt would require loss of on-street
parking and delivery space, which might not command support from the
traders and could lead to other difficulties.
2.4 The first question, therefore, is whether members wish to press NFDC to
include the early closure of the junction in their Action Plan. This would be
a ‘temporary’ measure only in the sense that it would be effected by the
use of removable barriers, signage, etc. It would NOT be the acceleration
of the final closure (involving groundworks, permanent signage, etc.) – but
it would probably remain in effect until that permanent closure occurs. (It
is understood that this proposal would, in principle, meet the eligibility
criteria for the funding.)
2.5 The second question is whether members wish to press for any further
traffic control or other measures to be included in the plan.
2.6 Local district and county councillors have been involved in discussions
about possible use of the Fund in Ringwood. Our County Councillor has
expressed his support in principle for the early closure of the junction but
not for any further traffic measures.
3. Issues for decision and any recommendations
3.1 Whether to ask NFDC to include the temporary closure of the West
Street/A31 junction in their Action Plan?
3.2 Whether to ask NFDC to include further measures (and, if so, what)?
For further information, contact:
Christopher Wilkins, Town Clerk
Direct Dial: 01425 484720